Probation Europe : Explanatory report on the European Convention on the supervision of conditionally sentenced and conditionally released offenders.; Council Of Europe.
Probation Great Britain Research : A system for evaluating probation practice : report of a method devised and piloted by the Oxford Probation Studies Unit and Warwickshire Probation Service / Colin Roberts ... [et al.] ; Probation Studies Unit, Centre for Criminological Research, University of Oxford in collaboration with Warwickshire Probation Service.
Probert William : The Merits of the election of Richard Williams, Esq., Burgess of Parliament for the borough of New Radnor : appointed to be heard on Wednesday the third of April upon the petition of William Probert ...
Problem Children Care Northern Ireland Longitudinal Studies : Comparing long-term placements for young children in care : the Care Pathways and Outcomes Study - Northern Ireland / written by Dominic McSherry, Montserrat Fargas Malet and Kerrylee Weatherall.; McSherry, Dominic.
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