Quaker And His Maid : The Quakers acquitted from the foul aspersions of the scandalous libeller. : Being a detection of three most abusive and sordid pamphlets, entituled: I. The monstrous eating Quaker. II. The Quaker turned Jew. III. The Quaker and his maid. : Which are confuted by plain evidence to undeceive the ignorant, clear the truth and stop debauchery. / By Ellis Hookes.; Hookes, Ellis,
Quaker Church Buildings : The Quaker meeting houses of Britain : an account of the some 1,300 meeting houses and 900 burial grounds in England, Wales and Scotland, from the start of the movement in 1652 ... / text and drawings by David M. Butler.; Butler, David M.
Quaker City Ship : Mark Twain abroad : the cruise of the Quaker City.; Ganzel, Dewey.
Quaker Converts England : Truth's innocency and simplicity shining through the conversion, Gospel-ministry, labours, epistles of love, testimonies and warnings to professors and profane : (with the long and patient sufferings) of that ancient and faithful minister and servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Taylor, who finish'd his course in the year MDCLXXXI.; Taylor, Thomas,
Quaker Converts England 17th Century : The voyce of the just uttered: : his passing out of Ægypt through the Red Sea, through the wildernesse to the promised land, where rest and peace is enjoyed. / By him who is known to the world by the name of Thomas Symonds.; Simonds, Thomas,
Quaker James : Church Missionary Society archive [microform]. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 5, West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1820-1880.
Quaker Turned Jew : The Quakers acquitted from the foul aspersions of the scandalous libeller. : Being a detection of three most abusive and sordid pamphlets, entituled: I. The monstrous eating Quaker. II. The Quaker turned Jew. III. The Quaker and his maid. : Which are confuted by plain evidence to undeceive the ignorant, clear the truth and stop debauchery. / By Ellis Hookes.; Hookes, Ellis,
Quaker Women Humour Early Works To 1800 : A comical new dialogue between Mr. G----ff, a pious dissenting parson, and a female-Quaker, (a goldsmith's wife) near Cheapside; : whom the reverend preacher pick'd up with the discourse that pas'd between them, and the treatment he gave her. Also, how he was apprehended for the same, and carried before a justice of peace: And sent to Wood-street-Compter on Wednesday night last.
Quakerism Early Works To 1800 : Quakerism no paganism: or, A friendly reply to W.R. his unfriendly discourse intituled, Quakerism is paganism : Shewing the insufficiency of what he hath written to unchristian the Quakers, and to render them as heathens and pagans to the people By W.L. a lover of peace more than of parties.; Loddington, William,
Quakers Antigua Persecutions Early Works To 1800 : A brief account of the sufferings of the servants of the Lord called Quakers: : from their first arrival in the island of Antegoa, under the several governours; from the year 1660, to 1695.; Langford, Jonas.
Quakers Apologetic Works England Early Works To 1800 : The answer of the people called Quakers, : to clear themselves from the false insinuations of the clergymen in their petition presented at the Summer assizes in Maryborough this year 1687. Which petition was as followeth.
Quakers Australia History 19th Century : A question of survival : Quakers in Australia in the nineteenth century / William Nicolle Oats.; Oats, William Nicolle,
Quakers Barbados : A warning to the inhabitants of Barbadoes; Rous, John,
Quakers Biography Early Works To 1800 : A declaration to the world, of my travel and journey out of Ægypt into Canaan : through the vvilderness, & through the Red-Sea, from under Pharaoh, and now hath a sure habitation in the Lord, where rest and peace is known; by one who dwelleth in the light which hath led him out of darkness, from Satans power to the power of God, who in the power liveth, and by it is preserved, glory be to the Lord Omnipotent.; Greene, Thomas,
Quakers Creed Concerning The Man Christ Jesus : The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man : containing an answer to a late pamphlet having this title The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus &c. writ by a nameless author : which pamphlet containeth many gross lies and wilful perversions beside some other great mistakes occasioned by the author his ignorance and blindness / by George Keith.; Keith, George,
Quakers Decision Making : Servant of the meeting : Quaker business meetings and their clerks.; Sharman, Cecil W.
Quakers Doctrine Early Works To 1800 : A description of the state and condition of all mankinde upon the face of the whole earth. : And a discovery unto all; shewing what man was in his creation before transgression, and what he is in transgression; how he is become a degenerate piant, bringing forth cursed fruit, to the grieving of the good husbandman, who is thereby provoked continually against the works of his own hands to destroy that which he hath made, because it is defiled through mans transgression. : Also, the way of restoration, of salvation, redemption and of life eternal is here declared unto all the sons and daughters of Adam in the whole world, that all may come to the knowledge of the creator, and to haze [sic] fellowship with him again, from whom all the children of men are separated in the state of enmity, and are ignorant of him, and drove from his presence. : This is to abroad into all the Earth, through the whole world, as a call and visitation unto all mankinde, that they may hear and consider their condition, and may return from whence they are fallen, and may be restored again to serve, and worship, and glorifie the living God, who made Heaven and Earth, and all things therein. / By one who has measured and viewed in true judgement the condition of all mankind; who is a lover of souls, and friend to the creation of God, known by the name of Edward Burrough.; Burrough, Edward,
Quakers England Banbury Early Works To 1800 : A true declaration of the suffering of the innocent, who is hated and persecuted without a cause. : Wherein is discovered the zeale of the magistrates and people of Banbury, persecuting and imprisoning them that are sent of the Lord in love to their souls to warn them of the evill of their wayes. Declared in a letter sent to William Allen, called justice of peace, with an answer to the false accusations charged upon the innocent. Also their proceedings laid open, and proved to be contrary to the Scriptures. / By Anne Audland, whom the world scornfully calls Quaker.; Audland, Anne,
Quakers England Bath Early Works To 1800 : The cry of oppression, occasioned by the priests of Englands pulpit-guard, : which is a popish law that was made by Queen Mary, to guard her friars and Jesuits. With a true discovery of the unjust proceedings of those called magistrates of Bathe; wherein is a lamentation over them, and a warning unto them to repent, lest they perish for ever. / By one which is hatefully called a Quaker ... known to the world by the name, Thomas Morford.; Morford, Thomas,
Quakers England Beverley : Friends in Beverley : a brief history of a Quaker meeting / compiled by Beverley Friends.; Beverley Preparative Meeting (Society of Friends)