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Quakers Last Shift Found Out   2
Quakers Last Shift Found Out Or An Answer To Will Penns Complaint Against T : Naked truth needs no shift: or, An answer to a libellous sheet, entituled, The Quakers last shift found out..; Penn, William,  1674 1
Quakers Maryland Early Works To 1800 : A Testimony concerning our dear & well-beloved friend and brother in the truth, William Coale : who departed this life the 30th of the 8th moneth, in the year 1678.  1682 1
Quakers Massachusetts Boston Early Works To 1800 : A relation of the labour, travail and suffering of that faithful servant of the Lord Alice Curwen : Who departed this life the 7th day of the 6th moneth, 1679. and resteth in peace with the Lord.; Martindell, Anne.  1680 1
Quakers Netherlands Early Works To 1800   2
Quakers New England : The heart of N-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation. Or A brief tractate, concerning the doctrine of the Quakers, : demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state, with consideration of the remedy against it. : Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary trueth. / By John Norton ...; Norton, John,  1659 1
Quakers New Jersey Biography : A collection of memorials concerning divers deceased ministers and others of the people called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, and parts adjacent, from nearly the first settlement, to the year 1787 : with some of the last expressions and exhortations of many of them.  1824 1
Quakers No Deceivers : Truth's triumph over deceit, or, A further demonstration that the people called Quakers be deceivers, and such as people ought to accompt accursed in their doctrines and principles : in vindication of a former proof of that charge, made good against them, from the sorry shifts and evasions from it, and cavils of George Whitehead against it, in a pamphlet of his, called The Quakers no deceivers / written by John Horne ... as a further preservation of people from following any of their pernitious principles ...; Horn, John,  1660 1
Quakers North America Early Works To 1800   2
Quakers Opinions   2
Quakers Pastoral Letters And Charges : Severall papers: some of them given forth by George Fox; others by James Nayler, ministers of the eternall Word of God, : raysed up after the long night of apostacy to direct the world, to waite for the revelation of Jesus Christ, and to turne their minds to to the true light, that they may be reconciled to God; of whom the world is not worthy, and therefore doth hate, persecute, and imprison them, under the name of Quakers. Gathered together and published by A.P. that the truth may be spread abroad, and deceipt be discovered. Wherein the plaine, honest, and sober conversation of the saints in feare and trembling, is justified, ... With a word to the people of England, who in severall formes have long flattered themselves with their ministry, churches, and ordinances; ... And a few quæries propounded to Tho: Ledgard of Newcastle, or any of those he rankes with himselfe, under the notion of anti-Quakers.; Fox, George,  1653 1
Quakers Pastoral Letters And Charges Early Works To 1800   3
Quakers Pennsylvania Biography : A collection of memorials concerning divers deceased ministers and others of the people called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, and parts adjacent, from nearly the first settlement, to the year 1787 : with some of the last expressions and exhortations of many of them.  1824 1
Quakers Pennsylvania Controversial Literature Early Works To 1800 : The Christian Quaker: or, George Keith's eyes opened : Good news from Pensilvania. Containing a testimony against that false and absurd opinion which some hold, viz. that all true believers and saints, immediately after the bodily death attain to all the resurrection they expect, and enter into the fullest enjoyment of happiness. And also, that the wicked, immediately after death, are raised up to receive all the punishment they are to expect. Together with a scriptural account of the resurrection of the dead, day of judgment, and Christ's last coming and appearance without us. Also, where, and what those Heavens are into which the man Christ is gone, and entred into. By George Keith.; Keith, George,  1693 1
Quakers Pennsylvania Early Works To 1800   4
Quakers Pennsylvania Pastoral Letters And Charges : An epistle from John Burnyeat to friends in Pennsilvania; : to be disperced by them to the neighbouring provinces, which for convenience and dispatch was thought good to be printed, and so ordered by the Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia, the 7th of the 4th month, 1686.; Burnyeat, John,  1686 1
Quakers Persecution Cambridge England : The First new persecution, or, A True narrative of the cruel usage of two Christians [Quakers], by the present mayor of Cambridge [William Pickering] / as it was certified from thence by an eminent hand.  1654 1
Quakers Persecution England   2
Quakers Persecutions   3
Quakers Persecutions 17th Century   2
Quakers Persecutions Barbados Early Works To 1800 : The voice of truth, uttered forth against the unreasonablenes, rudenes, and deboistnes of the rulers, teachers and people of the island Barbados. / Through one, who hath suffered by them, for the testimony of a good conscience, and the word of God, known by the name of Thomas Clark.; Clark, Thomas.  1661 1
Quakers Persecutions Early Works To 1800   22
Quakers Persecutions England   2
Quakers Persecutions England 17th Century : To all rulers, magistrates, priests, and people, who profess the Scriptures to be their rule throughout the nation of England, : but more particularly to the magistrates, priests and people of this county of Sussex, who have had any hand in oppressing and persecuting of them who God hath sent as strangers amongst them ... / From us who are present sufferers under the cruelty of men in the county gaol of Horsham, whose names are Ambrose Rigge Ambrose Galloway ][ Richard VVebb. James Matthew.  1663 1
Quakers Persecutions England Arundel Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of the persecutions of the people of God called Quakers : in the town of Aroundel in the county of Sussex, and concerning the breaking up their meeting, and committing them to prison and laying in fetters of iron. With an account of the reasons of Nicholas Rickmans and Edward Hampers going to the steeple house at Aroundel upon their fast day. And also an answer to a letter, sent up by the persecutors to a member of this present Parliament, who in it have a pretence to cover all the said persecutions, directed to their representative, to the Parliament, for them to give sentence. Now here is their actions as follows, for them and all that fear God to give sentence. An account in brief of the several wicked proceedings of several that have been in authority in the town of Aroundel for these four years last past, whereby the envy of them against the innocent may appear and is as followeth.  1659 1
Quakers Persecutions England Bristol : A Letter, from the Quakers to the mayor and sheriffs of Bristol.  1682 1
Quakers Persecutions England Bristol Early Works To 1800 : A Farther account from several letters of the continuation of the cruel persecution of the people called Quakers in Bristol, without regard to age or sex. : With copies of several warrants, by which some of them were committed..  1682 1
Quakers Persecutions England Early Works To 1800   17
Quakers Persecutions England Newark : Cains off-spring demonstrated, : as by their works they are discovered in a bitter persecution against the Lords people at Newark Upon Trent, in the county of Nottingham: being here truly related as it was suffered and executed at two several meetings. / Published for the truths sake, by those whom the proud in heart calls Quakers.  1659 1
Quakers Persecutions England Sources : To all you ministers, church-wardens [and] other inferiour officers of the Church of England, : some queries are sen[] answer, who are forcing people to come to your worship, and taking away their goods because they cannot be of your church.; Coale, Joseph,  1666 1
Quakers Persecutions England Surrey Early Works To 1800 : A vvarning to the rulers in Surrey, &c. : with a true relation of some of the passages at Kingston sessions, set forth for the prevention of false reports.; Harwood, John.  1662 1
Quakers Persecutions Malta : This is a short relation of some of the cruel sufferings (for the truths sake) of Katharine Evans & Sarah Chevers in the inquisition of the isle of Malta : who have suffered there above three years by the Pope's authority, there to be deteined until they dye : which relation of their sufferings is come form their own hands and mouths as doth appear in the following treatise ...; Evans, Katharine,  1662 1
Quakers Persecutions New England Early Works To 1800 : A declaration of the sad and great persecution and martyrdom of the people of God, called Quakers, in New--England for the worshipping of God. : Wherof 22 have been banished upon pain of death. 03 have been martyred. 03 have had their right-ears cut. 01 hath been burned in the hand with the letter H. 31 persons have received 650 stripes. 01 was beat while his body was like a jelly. Several were beat with pitched ropes. Five appeals made by them to England, were denied by the rulers of Boston. One thousand forty four pounds worth of goods hath been taken from them (being poor men) for meeting together in the fear of the Lord, and for keeping the commands of Christ. One now lyeth in iron-fetters, condemned to dye. Also, some considerations, presented to the King, which is in answer to a petition and address, which was presented unto him by the general court at Boston : subscribed by J. Endicot, the chief persecutor there; thinking thereby to cover themselves from the blood of the innocent.; Burrough, Edward,  1661 1
Quakers Persecutions Scotland Early Works To 1800 : Some queries touching excommunication : published by the people of God, (termed in derision Quakers) to be considered by all the bishops and synods of this nation, or any others that may be concerned in such proceedings against them. But most especially, by the present bishop and synod of Aberdeen.; Cowie, John,  1682 1
Quakers Poetry Early Works To 1800   3
Quakers Proved Deceivers : The Quakers no deceivers, or, The management of an unjust charge against them confuted. : Being a brief return to a pamphlet, intituled, The Quakers proved deceivers ... by John Horne ... / by one who is counted a deceiver, yet true, George Whitehead.; Whitehead, George,  1660 1
Quakers Scotland Early Works To 1800   4
Quakers Social Life And Customs Early Works To 1800 : The pure language of the spirit of truth, set forth for the confounding false languages, acted out of pride, ambition, and deceit. Or, thee and thou, in its place is the proper language to any single person whatsoever. : Proved by several examples, that is herein laid down by plain Scripture, for the convinceing, and stopping the mouths of gainsayers: many more examples might have been laid down, but what is herein mentioned and proved by Scriptures are sufficient for the same.; R. F.  1655 1
Quakers Taxation England 17th Century : The suffering case and complaint of some of the people called Quakers: : concerning some undue execution of the late Poll Acts, by distraining the goods of certain persons as preachers or ministers for twenty shillings quarterly, who have no contributions for preaching. With some reasons against such execution. Humbly presented to the members of Parliament, requesting prevention of the like suffering for the future.  1692? 1
Quakers Theology Early Works To 1800 : A declaration of the witnes [sic] of God, : manifested in the inward parts. / Written by William Ames = Een declaratie van de Getuyge Gods, : in's Menschen in wendige Deelen. / In't Engelt geschtĂ©ven door Willem Ames ...; Ames, William,  1681 1
Quakers United States   2
Quakers United States Biography   4
Quakers United States Early Works To 1800 : A collection of memorials concerning divers deceased ministers and others of the people called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, and parts adjacent, from nearly the first settlement, to the year 1787 : with some of the last expressions and exhortations of many of them.  1824 1
Quakers United States Genealogy : The Elam family : Quaker merchants of England and America.; Neill, Norma C.  c1995 1
Quakers United States History : Patterns of influence in Anglo-American Quakerism.; Drake, Thomas E.  1958 1
Quakers United States History 17th Century   3
Quakers United States History 18th Century : A people among peoples : Quaker benevolence in 18th century America.; James, Sydney V.,  1963 1
Quakers United States History 20th Century : American Quakers today / Edwin B. Bronner, editor.    1
Quakers United States Masssachusetts Persecutions Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of the proceedings against certain Quakers, : at the generall court of the Massachusets holden at Boston in New-England October. 18. 1659.  1660 1
Quakers Unmasked : Some reflections on some remarks upon a book, entituled Christ's lambs defended from Satan's rage; / written in answer to a malicious book stiled The Quakers unmask'd.; Whitehead, George,  1641 1
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