Regnard Jean Francois : Regnard : sa vie et son oeuvre; these pour le doctorat es lettres presentee a la faculte des lettres et des sciences humaines de l'Universite de Paris.; Calame, Alexandre.
Regular And Easy Table Of Natural Contractions By The Persons Moods And Ten : Aurea clavis: or, A golden key to the cabinet of contractions : unlocking all the misteries (and seeming difficulties) of an engraven sheet of short-hand lately published, entituled, A regular and easy table of natural contractions by the persons, moods, and tenses, &c. By William Mason, writing-master, at the Hand and Pen in Bell-Yard, between Grace-Church-Street and Cornhill, London. It being nearly suited to his late short-hand book, entituled, Arts advancement, &c. But more exactly adapted to a short-hand, in manuscript, which he now teacheth. This present clavis is suited to the meanest capacity, and gives directions how to apply the said contractions to any other short-hand: instance being given, at the end of this book.; Mason, William,
Regularis Concordia : Tenth-century studies : essays in commemoration of the millennium of the Council of Winchester and Regularis concordia / edited ... by David Parsons.
Regulation Business : Regulatory politics in transition.; Eisner, Marc Allen.
Regulatory Focus Psychology : The neuroscience of the developing child : self-regulation for wellbeing and a sustainable future / Dr Mine Conkbayir.; Conkbayir, Mine,
Regulus Marcus Atilius 250 B C : Regulus : a tragedy, as it is acted by Their Majesties servants / written by Mr. Crown.; Crown,
Rehabilitation Great Britain Evaluation : Concepts of rehabilitation for the management of common health problems / Gordon Waddell, A. Kim Burton.; Waddell, Gordon.
Reichsverband Der Privatversicherung : Der Reichsverband der Privatversicherung : eine Chronik der Ereignisse und Entwicklungen / Hans-Jörg Ehler.; Ehler, Hans-Jörg.
Reid Thomas 1624 : In obitum Thomæ Rhædi : viri vndequaque meritissimi, et serenissimo regi ab epistolis Latinis epicedium.; Aytoun, Robert,