Scotland 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : Duplys for the Laird of Seualtoun, and others the late magistrats of the burgh of Irwine, to the replys given in by the present magistrats against them; Wallace, William,
Scotland Antiquities Celtic : Alba : Celtic Scotland in the Middle Ages / edited by Edward J. Cowan and R. Andrew McDonald.
Scotland Antiquities Congresses : Mesolithic Scotland and its neighbours : the Early Holocene prehistory of Scotland, its British and Irish context, and some Northern European perspectives / edited by Alan Saville.
Scotland Antiquities Conservation And Restoration Congresses : Heritage : conservation, interpretation and enterprise : papers presented at the Robert Gordon University Heritage Convention, 1993 / edited by J. M. Fladmark.; Robert Gordon University Heritage Convention
Scotland Archival Resources Periodicals : Annual report of the Keeper of the Records of Scotland : report by the Keeper of the Records of Scotland to the Secretary of State for Scotland, Lord President of the Court of Session, Lord Clerk Register.; Scottish Record Office.
Scotland Armed Forces Appropriations And Expenditures Early Works To 18 : Charles by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, to our lovits, [blank] messengers, our Sheriffes in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitute, greeting. Forasmeikle as in the Act of Convention ... shall be uplifted by way of loane out of the severall Sherifdomes and Burrowes of this our kingdome, or supply of our Scots Army in Ireland ....; Scotland.
Scotland Army Army : Rules and articles of war, : for the better government of his Majesties army in the kingdom of Scotland. Published by his Majesties command.; Scotland.
Scotland Army History Early Works To 1800 : Strange news, or perfect occurrences from Scotland, : communicating the proceedings and randezvouz of the Scots army, the declaration and design of the Duke of Buckingham, Col. Massey, and the Lord Wentworth, against the English. A great and precedent examplary fight near Edenborough. The total routing of the Scots army, 10000 slain upon the place, 1500 Earls, Lrods, Knights, gentlemen, and others taken prisoners; amongst the rest the Earl of Huntley; the pursuing of the Scots for 5. hours space, doing great execution, so that the river of Esk ran with blood: Together, with the life and death of the most renouned and valiant souldier, Thomas Lord Cromwel.
Scotland Church History 17th Century Sources Early Works To 1800 : By the King, a proclamation. James R. James the Seventh, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all and sundry our good subjects whom these presents do or may concern, greeting. Whereas by our royal proclamation of the date the 12th day of February 1686/7. : ... to grant our royal toleration to the professors of the christian religion therein named; ...; England and Wales.
Scotland Church History 18th Century Sources : The McCulloch examinations of the Cambuslang revival (1742) : a critical edition : conversion narratives from the Scottish Evangelical awakening / edited by Keith Edward Beebe.
Scotland Church History To 1500 : Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae medii aevi ad annum 1638 / edited by D.E.R Watt and A.L. Murray.
Scotland Church History To 1500 Early Works To 1800 : The idæa of a perfect princesse : in the life of St. Margaret Queen of Scotland. With elogiums on her children, David, and Mathilda Queen of England. Written originally in French, and now Englished. Whereunto is annexed a postscript, clearing proving, against the false pretences of the phanaticks, his Majesties just right and title to the crown of England, and to his other dominions, before the conquest. Never before published.; Leslie, William Lewis.
Scotland Civilization 18th Century : The emergence of civil society in the eighteenth century : a privileged moment in the history of England, Scotland, and France.; Becker, Marvin B.