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  Shaykh Al Hady Syed -- See Sheikh bin Ahmad al-Hadi, al-Syed, 1867-1934
Shays Rebellion 1786 1787 : Shays's Rebellion : authority and distress in post-revolutionary America / Sean Condon.; Condon, Sean,  2015 1
Shazam Computer File   2
Shchepkin Mikhail Semenovich : M.S. Shchepkin : letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva.; Grits, Teodor Solomonovich.  1966 1
Sheaf Theory Congresses : Applications of sheaves : proceedings of the Research Symposium on Applications of Sheaf Theory to Logic, Algebra and Analysis, Durham, July 9-21, 1977 / edited by M.P. Fourman, C.J. Mulvey, and D.S. Scott.; Research Symposium on Applications of Sheaf Theory to Logic, Algebra, and Analysis  1979 1
Shear Flow : Stability and transition in shear flows / Peter J. Schmid, Dan S. Henningson.; Schmid, Peter J.  2000 1
Sheares William 1662 : [Imprint and device of William Shears].; Sheares, William,  1660 1
Shearsby England Maps : Leicestershire [cartographic material] : sheet SP 69 SW.; Great Britain.  1967 1
Sheba Queen Of : Solomon & Sheba / James B. Pritchard (ed.).  1974 1
Shebbear England Maps : Devonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SS 40 NW.; Great Britain.  1964 1
Shedfield England Maps : Hampshire [cartographic material] : sheet SU 51 SE.; Great Britain.  1968 1
Shediac N B History : A history of Shediac, New Brunswick.; Webster, John Clarence.  1953 1
Shee Glen Scotland Maps : Upper Glenshee [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1980 1
Sheehan Michael M 1925 1992 : Women, marriage, and family in medieval Christendom : essays in memory of Michael M. Sheehan, C.S.B / edited by Constance M. Rousseau and Joel T. Rosenthal.  1998 1
Sheehan Patrick Augustine 1852 1913 : Catholic nationalism in the Irish revival : a study of Canon Sheehan, 1852-1913.; Fleischmann, Ruth,  1997 1
Sheehy Skeffington Hanna : Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington : Irish feminist / Leah Levenson and Jerry N. Natterstad.; Levenson, Leah.  1986 1
Sheeler Charles 1883 1965   6
Sheeler Charles 1883 1965 Exhibitions : Charles Sheeler : across media / Charles Brock.; Brock, Charles,  c2006 1
Sheen England Maps : [Staffordshire - Derbyshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 16 SW.; Great Britain.  1955 1
Sheep : Wild sheep and goats and their relatives : status survey and conservation action plan for caprinae / edited and compiled by David M. Shackleton, IUCN/SSC Caprinae Specialist Group.  1997 1
Sheep Animal Husbandry   9
Sheep Diseases : The country-man's companion, or, A new method of ordering horses & sheep so as to preserve them both from diseases and causalties [sic], or to recover them if fallen ill : and also to render them much more serviceable ... / by Philotheos Physiologus ...; Tryon, Thomas,  1688 1
Sheep Dogs Pictorial Works Juvenile Fiction : Floss / Kim Lewis.; Lewis, Kim,  1993 1
Sheep Early Works To 1800 : The country-man's guide : or plain directions for ordering. Curing. Breeding choice, use, and feeding. Of horses, cows, sheep, hoggs, &c. Adorn'd with sculptuers, shewing the proper places in the bodies of the said several beasts, where the said distempers do usually happen. Published for the publick good, by W.W.; Winstanley, William,  1679 1
Sheep England Early Works To 1800 : A treatise of oxen, sheep, hogs, and dogs; with their natures, qualities, and uses : Together with instructions how to chuse, govern, and preserve them in health. With variety of receipts for all manner of distempers incident to them.  1683 1
Sheep England Poetry Early Works To 1800 : Taylors pastorall : being both historicall and satyricall: or the noble antiquitie of shepheards, with the profitable vse of sheepe: with a small touch of a scabbed sheepe, and a caueat against that infection.; Taylor, John,  1624 1
Sheep Pictorial Works Juvenile Fiction   2
Sheepheard Mr : To all whom it may concern. When Herennius was discarded by Augustus, out of his armie, for his gross midemeanors and dissolute and debaucht carriage: ...; Williams, Richard,  1652 1
Sheepherding Spain History : The Spanish Arcadia : sheep herding, pastoral discourse, and ethnicity in early modern Spain / Javier Irigoyen-Garcia.; Irigoyen-GarcĂ­a, Javier,  2013 1
Sheepstor England Maps : [Devonshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SX 56 NE.; Great Britain.  1954 1
Sheepwash Devon England Maps : Devonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SS 40 NE.; Great Britain.  1963 1
Sheepy Magna England Maps : Leicestershire - Warwickshire [cartographic material] : sheet SK 30 SW.; Great Britain.  1966 1
Sheepy Parva England Maps : Leicestershire - Warwickshire [cartographic material] : sheet SK 30 SW.; Great Britain.  1966 1
Sheeres Henry Sir 1710 : A Short account of the progress of the mole at Tangier  1680? 1
Sheering England Maps : Essex [cartographic material] : sheet TL 51 SW.; Great Britain.  1960 1
Sheerness England Maps   3
Sheers Owen 1974 : The dust diaries.; Sheers, Owen,  2004 1
Sheet Hampshire England Maps : Hampshire - Sussex [cartographic material] : sheet SU 72 SE.; Great Britain.  1974 1
Sheet Lead Early Works To 1800   3
Sheet Lead England Early Works To 1800   11
Sheet Steel : Cold-formed steel design.; Yu, Wei-wen,  2000 1
Sheffield City Polytechnic : Mature students : perceptions and experiences of full-time and part-time higher education (with particular reference to Sheffield City Polytechnic) / Rita Johnston, Roy Bailey.; Johnston, Rita.  1984 1
Sheffield England : Psychology in Sheffield : the early years / Peter Warr.; Warr, Peter B.  c2001 1
Sheffield England Bibliography : Short bibliography of the history of Sheffield.; Curtis, Edmund,  1911 1
Sheffield England History : The fiery blades of Hallamshire : Sheffield and its neighbourhood, 1660-1740.; Hey, David G.  1991 1
Sheffield England History Sources Bibliography : Catalogue of business and industrial records.; Sheffield City Libraries.  1971 1
Sheffield England Languages Dictionaries : A glossary of words used in the neighbourhood of Sheffield.; Addy, Sidney Oldall,  1888 1
Sheffield England Maps   57
Sheffield England Social Conditions : A tale of two cities : global change, local feeling, and everyday life in the North of England : a study in Manchester and Sheffield / Ian Taylor, Karen Evans and Penny Fraser.; Taylor, Ian R.  1996 1
Sheffield England Social Life And Customs : A tale of two cities : global change, local feeling, and everyday life in the North of England : a study in Manchester and Sheffield / Ian Taylor, Karen Evans and Penny Fraser.; Taylor, Ian R.  1996 1
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