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Shear Flow : Stability and transition in shear flows / Peter J. Schmid, Dan S. Henningson.; Schmid, Peter J.
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Sheep Early Works To 1800 : The country-man's guide : or plain directions for ordering. Curing. Breeding choice, use, and feeding. Of horses, cows, sheep, hoggs, &c. Adorn'd with sculptuers, shewing the proper places in the bodies of the said several beasts, where the said distempers do usually happen. Published for the publick good, by W.W.; Winstanley, William,
Sheep England Early Works To 1800 : A treatise of oxen, sheep, hogs, and dogs; with their natures, qualities, and uses : Together with instructions how to chuse, govern, and preserve them in health. With variety of receipts for all manner of distempers incident to them.
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Sheepheard Mr : To all whom it may concern. When Herennius was discarded by Augustus, out of his armie, for his gross midemeanors and dissolute and debaucht carriage: ...; Williams, Richard,
Sheepherding Spain History : The Spanish Arcadia : sheep herding, pastoral discourse, and ethnicity in early modern Spain / Javier Irigoyen-Garcia.; Irigoyen-GarcĂa, Javier,
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Sheffield England Social Life And Customs : A tale of two cities : global change, local feeling, and everyday life in the North of England : a study in Manchester and Sheffield / Ian Taylor, Karen Evans and Penny Fraser.; Taylor, Ian R.