Ships Legends England Early Works To 1800 : Strange and wonderful news : being a true, tho' sad relation of six sea-men. (Belonging to the Margaret of Boston,) who sold themselves to the devil, and were invisibly carry'd away. : With an account of the said ship being sunk under water, where she continued full eleven weeks : all which time, to admiration, the rest of the ship's crew liv'd, and fed upon raw meat, and live fish, that swam over their heads. : The names of three persons, that were (thro' mercy) preserv'd so long under water, were William Davies, (a man very well known to the merchants in London,) Mr. VVilliam Kadner, and Mr. William Bywater. : There was only one boy drowned. : The truth of which strange and miraculous relation, will be attested at Mr. Loyd's coffee house, near the general post-office, in Lombard-Street; where the original letter at large, will be shewn to any person that desires to be further satisfy'd in the truth hereof; : and by several eminent merchants upon the Exchange.
Ships Maine Monhegan Island History Pictorial Works : An eye for the coast : the maritime and Monhegan Island photographs of Eric Hudson / Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., W.H. Bunting with the assistance of Paul T. Stubing.; Hudson, Eric,
Ships Manning : Manning the Royal Navy & mercantile marine; also belligerent and neutral rights in the event of war. A review of the past and present methods of manning, with suggestions for its improvement; and, the formation of more reliable and permanent reserves : also an inquiry into the operation of the Declaration of Paris of 1856, and proposals for obviating its injurious effects on British maritime commerce / by W.S. Lindsay.; Lindsay, William Schaw,
Ships Measurement : The complete gauger : in two parts : theor[et]ical and practical : shewing the briefest ways for gauging all manner of regular vessels ... either the whole or the parts by undeniable rules of art : also all / by Michael Dary ...; Dary, Michael.
Ships Medieval Design And Construction : Crossroads in ancient shipbuilding : proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Roskilde, 1991, ISBSA 6 / edited by Christer Westerdahl.; International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology
Ships Medieval Mediterranean Region : The age of the galley : Mediterranean oared vessels since pre-classical times / editor: Robert Gardiner ; consultant editor: John Morrison.
Ships Medieval Norway : Langskip, knarr og kogge : nye synspunkter på sagatidens skipsbygging i Norge og Nordeuropa.; Morcken, Roald.
Ships Medieval Scandinavia : The ship as symbol in prehistoric and medieval Scandinavia : papers from an international research seminar at the Danish National Museum, Copenhagen, 5th-7th May 1994 / edited by Ole Crumlin-Pedersen and Birgite Munch Thye.
Ships Medieval Sweden : Vendeltid / [Björn Ambrosiani et al. ; redaktör : Ann Sandwall].