Shirley Charles Sir 1623 1646 : A good and seasonable caveat for Christians. : Delivered in a sermon at the funerall of the right worshipfull Sir Charles Shirley, Knight and baronet, in the parish church of Breedon, in Leicester-Shire. / By John Wilson, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word in the sayd parish. 7. Octob. 1646. Imprimatur, Jo. Downame.; Wilson, John,
Shirley James 1596 1666 : Caroline drama : the plays of Massinger, Ford, Shirley and Brome.; Sanders, Julie,
Shirley James 1596 1666 Bird In A Cage : Three seventeenth-century plays on women and performance / edited by Hero Chalmers, Julie Sanders, Sophie Tomlinson.
Shirley Stephanie : My family in exile / by Dame Stephanie Shirley.; Shirley, Stephanie.
Shirreff Alexander Quakerism Canvassed : Quakerism confirmed, or, A vindication of the chief doctrines and principles of the people called Qvakers from the arguments and objections of the students of divinity (so called) of Aberdeen in their book entituled Quakerism convassed [sic] / by Robert Barclay and George Keith.; Barclay, Robert,
Shirvan Battle Of 1578 Early Works To 1800 : A discourse of the bloody and cruell battaile, of late loste by the great Turke Sultan Selim : And also of the taking of the strong towne of Seruan, with the number there slaine and taken, and the great store of artillery [and] munitions of warre lost in the taking of the saide towne, 1579. Translated out of French into English.
Shirwell England Maps : Devonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SS 53 NE.; Great Britain.
Shmid Von Schmiedebach Augustin Informatio Fundamentalis Super Discursu Quo : BohemiƦ regnum electiuum. That is, A plaine and true relation of the proceeding of the states of Bohemia, from the first foundation of that prouince, by free election of princes and kings vnto Ferdinand the eighteenth King of the house of Austria : Wherein is euidently manifested, that the first princes were elected, and no true and simple hereditary succession established, nor practised in all that time, containing about 900. yeares; taken out of vnpartiall and classicque authors.
Shobdon England History : A history of Shobdon / with illustrations by Royston Ecroyd.; Pfuell, Ivor.
Shobdon England Maps : Herefordshire [cartographic material] : sheet SO 46 SW.; Great Britain.
Shobrooke England Maps : Devonshire [cartographic material] : sheet SS 80 SE.; Great Britain.
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Shoemaker William Hutchinson : Estudios sobre Galdos : homenaje ofrecido al W. H. Shoemaker / por sus colegas del Departamento de Espanol, Italiano y Portugues de la Universidad de Illinois.
Shoemakers : The pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft : a discourse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to read : shewing what famous men have been shoe-makers in time past in this land : with their worthy deeds ... declaring the cause why it was called the gentle-craft and also how the poverb [sic] first grew, A shoemaker's son is a prince born / T.D.; Deloney, Thomas,