Sierra Leone Politics And Government 1808 1896 : American colony on the Rio Pongo : the War of 1812, the slave trade, and the proposed settlement of African Americans, 1810-1830 / Bruce L. Mouser.; Mouser, Bruce L.
Sierra Leone Politics And Government 1961 : The devil that danced on the water : a daughter's memoir of her father, her family, her country and a continent / Aminatta Forna.; Forna, Aminatta,
Sierra Leone Race Relations History 18th Century : 'A just and honourable commerce' : abolitionist experimentation in Sierra Leone in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries / Suzanne Schwarz.; Schwarz, Suzanne.
Sierra Leone Social Life And Customs 21st Century : Land that we love : a book about life in Sierra Leone / written and designed by Matt Stephenson ; photography by Matt Stephenson and young people who participated in a British Council workshop during 2009.; Stephenson, Matt.
Sierra Nevada Calif And Nev Guidebooks : Business models and people management in the Indian IT industry : from people to profits / edited by Ashish Malik and Chris Rowley ; contributors, Stephen Blumenfeld [and thirteen others].; Morrison, W. H.
Siete Partidas Spanish Law Code 4a Partida : Marriage and friendship in medieval Spain : social relations according to the fourth partida of Alfonso X.; Stone, Marilyn,
Sign Language History 19th Century : Reading Victorian deafness [electronic resource] : signs and sounds in Victorian literature and culture / Jennifer Esmail.; Esmail, Jennifer,