Slavery India South : Women in ritual slavery : devadasi, jogini and mathamma in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Southern India / Maggie Black.; Black, Maggie,
Slavery Indian Ocean History 19th Century : Sojourners, sultans, and slaves : America and the Indian Ocean in the age of abolition and empire / Gunja SenGupta and Awam Amkpa.; SenGupta, Gunja,
Slavery Indian Ocean Region : Slavery in the Indian Ocean and Indian sub-continent : the past and present : a scoping report / edited by Gary Craig.; Arocha, Lorena.
Slavery Jamaica Condition Of Slaves Early Works To 1800 : Friendly advice to the gentlemen-planters of the East and West Indies : In three parts. I. A brief treatise of the most principal fruits and herbs that grow in the East & West Indies; giving an account of their respective vertues both for food and physick, and what planet and sign they are under. Together with some directions for the preservation of health and life in those hot climates. II. The complaints of the negro-slaves against the hard usages and barbarous cruelties inflicted upon them. III. A discourse in way of dialogue, between an Ethiopean or negro-slave, and a Christian that was his master in America. By Philotheos Physiologus.; Tryon, Thomas,
Slavery Jamaica History 18th Century Early Works To 1800 : The natural, moral, and political history of Jamaica and the territories thereon depending : from the first discovery of the island by Christopher Columbus, to the year 1746 / James Knight ; edited with annotations and an introduction by Jack P. Greene ; images edited by Taylor Stoermer ; with a historiographic essay by Trevor Burnard.; Knight, James,
Slavery Jamaica Juvenile Literature : The rebel woman in the British West Indies during slavery / Lucille Mathurin.; Mair, Lucille Mathurin,
Slavery Jamaica Social Conditions : Friendly advcie [sic] to the gentlemen-planters of the East and West Indies : in three parts ... / by Philotheos Physiologus.; Tryon, Thomas,
Slavery Justification 18th Century : The nature of slavery : environment and plantation labor in the Anglo-Atlantic world / Katherine Johnston.; Johnston, Katherine
Slavery Justification History : The abolition of slavery : the British debate, 1787-1840 / Cécile Révauger.; Révauger, Marie-Cécile,
Slavery Juvenile Literature : Young heroes! : a learner's guide to changing the world : abolish slavery edition / Kurt Hoffman ; edited by Angela Jurgensen, Kelly Berthelot.; Hoffman, Kurt,
Slavery Kansas History : Slavery on the periphery : the Kansas-Missouri border in the antebellum and Civil War eras / Kristen Epps.; Epps, Kristen,
Slavery Kenya History : Children of Ham : freed slaves and fugitive slaves on the Kenya coast, 1873 to 1907 / Fred Morton.; Morton, Fred,
Slavery Law And Legislation America History : Slavery, freedom, and the law in the Atlantic world : a brief history with documents / Sue Peabody and Keila Grinberg.; Peabody, Sue.
Slavery Law And Legislation Brazil : Second-class daughters : Black Brazilian women and informal adoption as modern slavery / Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman.; Hordge-Freeman, Elizabeth,