Somerset England History Military Early Works To 1800 : A true relation of the prosperous successe, and proceedings of the Parliaments forces in the counties of Somerset and Devon, against the malignants army in those parts: : from the 19 of May to the 23. 1643. Sent in a letter from M. Tho. Browne, a gentleman in Cornwall, to a gentleman a friend of his in London.; Browne, Thomas,
Somerset England Poetry Early Works To 1800 : The west country delight: or, Hey for Zommerzet-Shire : Lively delineating how jocund they be, that jerk it, and ferk it, under the green-wood tree. To a new tune of O how they did firk it: or, Salengers round.
Somerset Frances Howard Carr Couness Of 1593 1632 : Sir Thomas Ouerburies vision : With the ghoasts of Weston, Mris. Turner, the late Lieftenant of the Tower, and Franklin. By R.N. Oxon.; Niccols, Richard,
Somerset History : Two petitions of the covnty of Sommerset : the one to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, with His Majesties gracious answer at Sturminster : the other to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westminster : together with a declaration of the said county of Sommerset at a publique meeting at Wells, Octob. 14, 1644, that they intend as one man to follow His Sacred Majesty towards London, in obedience to His Majesties proclamation for a speedy peace.
Somerset History And Description : An act for draining, preserving and improving the low grounds and carrs lying in...Beverley, Saint John of Beverley, Grovehill, Sandholme, Storkhill &co. all in the East Riding of the County of York.; Great Britain.
Somerset Levels England : Wet and wonderful : the heritage of the Avalon Marshes / Richard Brunning.; Brunning, Richard.
Somerset Levels England Antiquities : Sweet track to Glastonbury : the Somerset levels in prehistory / Bryony and John Coles.; Coles, Bryony.
Somerset Politics And Government : Two petitions of the covnty of Sommerset : the one to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, with His Majesties gracious answer at Sturminster : the other to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westminster : together with a declaration of the said county of Sommerset at a publique meeting at Wells, Octob. 14, 1644, that they intend as one man to follow His Sacred Majesty towards London, in obedience to His Majesties proclamation for a speedy peace.
Somerville Alexander : The autobiography of a working man / edited by J.P. Carswell.; Somerville, Alexander.
Somerville Edith Oenone : Somerville and Ross : a symposium ...; Queen's University of Belfast.
Sommaster Henry 1606 : Three sermons : 1. The good fight. Preached at the funerall of Henry Sommaster of Pens-ford in the country of Deuon, Esquire. Ian. 1606. 2. The worth of the water of life. 3. Dauids longing, and Dauids loue. By Sam. Hieron.; Hieron, Samuel,
Somner John : A True relation or accompt of the whole procedure between the Corporation at Canterbury, and Mr. John Somner, concerning the New-Market- House there; Somner, John.
Sonatas Flutes 3 Scores : 6 sonatas for 3 flutes without bass (or 3 violins, 3 oboes, or flute, oboe and violin), op. 7 (1725) : v.2 : sonatas 2,5,6 / edited by Erich Doflein.; Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de,