Space Architecture Models History : The model as performance : staging space in theatre and architecture / Thea Brejzek and Lawrence Wallen.; Brejzek, Thea,
Space Architecture Philosophy : Performing architectures : projects, practices, pedagogies / edited by Andrew Filmer and Juliet Rufford.
Space Flight To Mars History : The international atlas of Mars exploration : the first five decades. Volume 1, 1953 to 2003 / Philip J. Stooke.; Stooke, Philip J.,
Space Flight To Mars Maps : The international atlas of Mars exploration : the first five decades. Volume 1, 1953 to 2003 / Philip J. Stooke.; Stooke, Philip J.,
Space Groups : Simplified structure factor and electron density formulae for the 230 space groups of mathematical crystallography / by Kathleen Lonsdale.; Lonsdale, Kathleen,
Space Heaters Early Works To 1800 : The warming stone : Excellent helps really found out, tried, and had, by a warming stone in his case, which not costing much, will save much cost in fire, and withall avoyd the danger of fire: and likewise is very usefull and comfortable for the colds of aged and sicke people, and for women with child, and in child-bed: as also for fluxes, rheumes, colicks, ruptures, or any cold disease: and for those that in beds, studies, shops, ships, churches, or elsewhere, have need of heate, yet cannot conveniently make use of fire: and likewise for the poore, when having no fire of their owne, they may borrow the heating of this stone at a neighbours fire, if his charity be not altogether cold. These stones with their cases are to be sold at [blank] where more particular satisfaction may be had of the contents of the booke.; Carew, Richard,