Special Education Curricula Great Britain : Art for all : developing art in the curriculum with pupils with special educational needs / Melanie Peter.; Peter, Melanie,
Special Education England Humberside : Mainstream approaches to meeting special educational needs : Education Act 1981 : policy and guidelines for schools and colleges.; Humberside (England).
Special Education Europe Cross Cultural Studies : New perspectives in special education : a six-country study of integration / edited by Cor J.W. Meijer, Sip Jan Pijl, and Seamus Hegarty ; Dutch-English translations and editorial assistance by Inge Abbring.
Special Education Great Britain Dictionaries : The essential A-Z guide to special needs : information on terms and conditions, how you can help, where to go to find out more / Dr Hannah Mortimer.; Mortimer, Hannah.
Special Education Great Britain Management : Special education 1994 - 98 : a review of special schools, secure units and pupil referral units in England.; Great Britain.
Special Education Ireland : Inclusion or illusion? : educational provision for primary school children with mild general learning disabilities / by Paul Stevens and Mona O'Moore.; Stevens, Paul.
Special Education Law And Legislation United States Miscellanea : The comprehensive guide to special education law : over 400 frequently asked questions and answers every educator needs to know about the legal rights of exceptional children and their parents / George A. Giuliani.; Giuliani, George A.,
Special Education Psychology : Prolegomena Zur Pädagogik des Gespaltenen Subjekts [electronic resource] : Ein Notwendiger RISS in der Sonderpädagogik.; Langnickel, Robert.