Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Numerical Solutions : Probabilistic models for nonlinear partial differential equations : lectures given at the 1st session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Montecatini Terme, Italy, May 22-30, 1995 / C. Graham ... [et al.] ; editors, D. Talay, L. Tubaro.
Stochastic Processes Congresses : Differential equations driven by rough paths / École d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIV - 2004 ; Terry J. Lyons, Michael Caruana, Thierry Lévy ; [editor, Jean Picard]; Ecole d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour
Stochastic Processes Outlines Syllabi Etc : Schaum's outline of theory and problems of probability, random variables, and random processes / Hwei P. Hsu.; Hsu, Hwei P.
Stochastic Systems Congresses : Stability of stochastic dynamical systems : proceedings of the international symposium organized by the Control Theory Centre, University of Warwick, July 10-14, 1972 / edited by Ruth F. Curtain.
Stock Companies England Early Works To 1800 : Companies in joynt-stock unnecessary and inconvenient. : Free trade to India in a regulated company, the interest of England. / Discours'd in a letter to a friend.
Stock Companies Germany : Die Aktiengesellschaft : Handelsgesetzbuch §178 bis § 319 / Handausgabe mit Erläuterungen von Friedrich Goldschmit.; Germany.
Stock Companies Great Britain History : Empire, incorporated : the corporations that built British colonialism / Philip J. Stern.; Stern, Philip J.,
Stock Companies Great Britain History 18th Century : Shareholder democracies? : corporate governance in Britain and Ireland before 1850 / Mark Freeman, Robin Pearson, and James Taylor.; Freeman, Mark,
Stock Companies Great Britain History 19th Century : Shareholder democracies? : corporate governance in Britain and Ireland before 1850 / Mark Freeman, Robin Pearson, and James Taylor.; Freeman, Mark,
Stock Exchange London England : Londons-nonsuch, or, The glory of the Royal Exchange : being a short prediction of the great trade that shall happen therein ... / By a real well-wisher to the trade, peace and prosperity of this honourable city of London, a present fellow and student in Gresham Colledge ... whose name is, Anagram Ehver Kynd ...; Kynd, Ehver.
Stock Exchange London England Early Works To 1800 : Londons nonsuch surveyed. or, A brief and sharp response to the author thereof, who stiles himself (as appears by his title-page) by way of anagram ehver kynde : Wherein you have the astrological poet not only unveiled, (whereby to undeceive the deceived) but also smartly and severely handled in relation to several particulars of his book, which with so much audacity he hath lately exposed to publick view, in the which there is, viz. 1. Something of his weakness and embecillity detected and reproved. 2. Something of his present fancy and design in relation to the royal exchange vindicated and asserted. 3. Something of his good-will and charity (wherein he hath been so much traduced) countenanced and commended. Calculated for the meridian of the long and short white gallery in Grasham Colledge, and is in the behalf of all the leasees (both ancient and modern) in the said place. All which is presented, not to the consideration of the grand committee, but to the author himself, who is herein chiefly concerned, as may appear to any indifferent person (who hath his eyes in his head, and not bruised in his understanding) in the perusal thereof. ... And is also interwoven and underlaid with several remarkable passages and poetical strains, on purpose to please, captivate and allure the ingenious reader, that so he may the more freely (of the honest booksellers) purchase the fee-simple thereof / by a well-wisher to the mathematicks, aad [sic] a real friend to the author of poor Robbins Almanack, and to the whole society of the learned students ...
Stock Exchanges England Early Works To 1800 : Reasons humbly offered, against a clause in the Bill for regulating brokers, &c. for making void all contracts and agreements already made, concerning bank-notes, bank-stock, and all other joynt-stocks..
Stock Exchanges Great Britain Poetry : To the gentlemen of the stock exchange; : lines on the Poyais Bonds August 12, 1823. Being His Majesty's natal day. / By Mary Anne Lloyd, 13, Thomas Street, Lett's New Town, Lambeth, near Stamford Street.; Lloyd, Mary Anne.
Stock Exchanges Japan : The bubble economy : Japan's extraordinary speculative boom of the '80s and the dramatic bust of the '90s / Christopher Wood.; Wood, Christopher,
Stock Index Futures : Stock index futures / Charles M. S. Sutcliffe.; Sutcliffe, Charles M. S.
Stock Jacob 1658 : The holy longing: or, The saints desire to be with Christ: : delivered in a sermon at Al-hallows Lumbard-street, Aug. 24. 1658. At the funeral of Mr. Jacob Stock. / By Thomas Watson minister of Stephens Walbrook in the city of London.; Watson, Thomas,