Sussex England History 17th Century : News from Sussex, or, The Barbarous robber strangely convicted : being a full and true relation of one Gardiner, that was hang'd upon the testimony of his own daughter, at the last assizes at East- Greenstead in Sussex : with the carriage of him and his companion ... at the place of execution, the 15th of this instant March, 1676.
Sussex England Poetry Early Works To 1800 : A discription of a monstrous Chylde, borne at Chychester in Sussex, the. xxiiii. daye of May. : This being the very length, and bygnes of the same. M. CCCCC. LXII.; D., John.
Sussex England Politics And Government Early Works To 1800 : Reasons humbly offered, why the Sheriff of the county of Sussex at an election of a knight or knights of that shire, should be enabled to adjourn the poll, at the desire of one or more of the candidates, from Chichester to Lewes, or from Lewes to Chichester, vice versa..
Sussex England Social Conditions : Sussex : environment, landscape and society / edited by the Geography Editorial Committee, University of Sussex.; University of Sussex. Geography Editorial Committee.
Sussex Robert Radcliffe Earl Of 1569 1629 : Epithalamion in nuptias magnanimi et fortissimi herois Domini Ioannis Ramsaei vicecomitis Hadintonij, & Elizabethae Ratleae filiae Roberti comitis Sussexiae. / A D.D. Scot. Brit. Strat. conscriptum..; D. D.
Sussex Thomas Radcliffe Earl Of Approximately 1525 1583 : A remembraunce of the life, death, and vertues, of the most noble and honourable Lord Thomas late Erle of Sussex : Vicount Fitz-water, Lord of Egremount and Burnell, iustice of an ayer, of all her Maiesties forrestes, parkes, chaces, and warrantes, on the south side of Trent, Captaine of the pensioners & gentlemen at armes, Lord Chamberlaine of her Maiesties honorable household, Knight of the noble Order of the Garter, and of her Highnesse most gratious and prudente Pryuy Councell. VVho deceased at Barmesey the 11. of Iune 1583. The report of George VVhetstones gent.; Whetstone, George,
Sustainability Africa : Innovation For sustainability [electronic resource] : African and European perspectives / edited by Mammo Muchie and Angathevar.
Sustainability Case Studies : Environment and sustainability in a globalizing world / edited by Andrea J. Nightingale [and three others].
Sustainability Europe : Innovation For sustainability [electronic resource] : African and European perspectives / edited by Mammo Muchie and Angathevar.
Sustainability In Art : Cause and effect : visualizing sustainability / edited by Sven Ehmann, Stephan Bohle, and Robert Klanten.
Sustainability United States : Sustainability and the U.S. EPA / Committee on Incorporating Sustainability in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Science and Technology for Sustainability Program Policy and Global Affairs Division, National Research Council of the National Academies.
Sustainable Agriculture Case Studies : System innovation for sustainability. 3, Case studies in sustainable consumption and production : food and agriculture / edited by Ursula Tischner ... [et al.].
Sustainable Agriculture Cuba : Sustainable agriculture and food security in an era of oil scarcity : lessons from Cuba / Julia Wright.; Wright, Julia.
Sustainable Architecture Case Studies : Green building transitions : regional trajectories of innovation in Europe, Canada and Australia / Julia Affolderbach, Christian Schulz.; Affolderbach, Julia,
Sustainable Design Study And Teaching : Design for sustainable change : how design and designers can drive the sustainability agenda / Anne Chick, Paul Micklethwaite.; Chick, Anne,
Sustainable Development Africa Eastern : Environment and sustainable development in Eastern and Southern Africa : some critical issues / edited by Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed and Wilfred Mlay.
Sustainable Development Africa Southern : Environment and sustainable development in Eastern and Southern Africa : some critical issues / edited by Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed and Wilfred Mlay.
Sustainable Development Asia Central : Sustainable consumption and production in South East Europe and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia : joint UNEP-EEA report on the opportunities and lessons learned.
Sustainable Development Baltic Coast : Die Küstenagenda 21 als Instrument zum Erreichen nachhaltiger Raumentwicklungen in den Küstenzonen der Ostsee.; Ballnus, Florian.
Sustainable Development Bangladesh Congresses : Environment and poverty : key linkages for global sustainable development / edited by A. Atiq Rahman in association with Maria Elena Hurtado ... [et al.].