Technological Literacy United States : Teaching with the tools kids really use : learning with Web and mobile technologies / Susan Brooks-Young.; Brooks-Young, Susan.
Technological Unemployment Public Opinion : The impact of technological change in the industrial democracies : public attitudes toward information technology : a 1985 international comparative public opinion survey / edited by Richard D. Vine.
Technology And Civilization England History : Androids and intelligent networks in early modern literature and culture : artificial slaves / Kevin LaGrandeur.; LaGrandeur, Kevin.
Technology And Civilization History To 1500 : Openness, secrecy, authorship : technical arts and the culture of knowledge from antiquity to the Renaissance / Pamela O. Long.; Long, Pamela O.,
Technology And Law Congresses : The electronic superhighway : the shape of technology and law to come / Ejan Mackaay, Daniel Poulin, and Pierre Trudel (eds.) ; contributors, Guy Basque ... [et al.].
Technology And State Germany : Politik und Technik : Analysen zum Verhältnis von technologischem, politischem und staatlichem Wandel am Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts / herausgegeben von Georg Simonis, Renate Martinsen und Thomas Saretzki.
Technology And State Great Britain : New modes of governance : developing an integrated policy approach to science, technology, risk and the environment / edited by Catherine Lyall and Joyce Tait.
Technology And The Arts Exhibitions : AI : artificial intelligence : das andere Ich / edited by Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf, Hannes Leopoldseder.; Ars Electronica
Technology And Youth United States : The dumbest generation : how the digital age stupefies young Americans and jeopardizes our future (or, don't trust anyone under 30).; Bauerlein, Mark.
Technology Anthropological Aspects : Virtual war and magical death : technologies and imaginaries for terror and killing / Neil L. Whitehead and Sverker Finnström, eds.