Theater And Society Portugal : Shakespeare and the challenge of the contemporary [electronic resource] / performance, politics and aesthetics / Francesca Clare Rayner.; Rayner, Francesca,
Theater And Society Senegal : Senegalese stagecraft [electronic resource] / decolonizing theater-making in Francophone Africa / Brian Valente-Quinn.; Valente-Quinn, Brian,
Theater And The Aged : Seasoned theatre : a guide to creating and maintaining a senior adult theatre.; Haarbauer, Martha.
Theater And The Disabled : On the move : a directory of disability-related touring companies from the UK / edited by Jo Verrant for the Arts council of England.; Arts Council of England.
Theater And The Internet : Theater of lockdown [electronic resource] / digital and distanced performance in a time of pandemic / Barbara Fuchs.; Fuchs, Barbara,
Theater And Youth Handbooks Manuals Etc : Making a leap: theatre of empowerment : a practical handbook for drama and theatre work with young people.; Clifford, Sara.
Theater Audiences England : Whereas complaint hath often been made to us that divers persons do rudely press and with evil language and blows force their way into our theatres ... at the time of their public representations and actings, without paying the price established ...; England and Wales.
Theater Audiences England London Discipline Early Works To 1800 : Charles R. : Whereas complaint hath been made unto us that divers persons do rudely press and with evil language and blows force their way into our royal theatre and into the theatre belonging to our dear brother the Duke of York at the times of their publick representations and actings without paying the prices established at both theatres ...; England and Wales.
Theater Audiences England London History 17th Century : The critics in the audience of the London theatres from Buckingham to Sheridan ; a study of neoclassicism in the playhouse, 1671-1779.; Smith, Dane Farnsworth,
Theater Audiences England London History 18th Century : The critics in the audience of the London theatres from Buckingham to Sheridan ; a study of neoclassicism in the playhouse, 1671-1779.; Smith, Dane Farnsworth,
Theater Audiences France Paris : The contested parterre : public theater and French political culture, 1680-1791 / Jeffrey S. Ravel.; Ravel, Jeffrey S.
Theater Belgium Oudenaarde : Spelen en figuren : toneelkunst en processiecultuur in Oudenaarde tussen Middeleeuwen en Moderne Tijd.; Ramakers, B. A. M.