Turkey Social Conditions 20th Century : Atatürk : an intellectual biography / M. Şükrü Hanioğlu ; with a new preface by the author.; Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü,
Turkey Social Conditions 1288 1918 Early Works To 1800 : The rarities of Turkey, gathered by one that was sold seven times a slave in the Turkish Empire, : and now exposed to view for the benefit of his native countrey:.; Georgijević, Bartolomej,
Turkey Social Policy 21st Century : The politics of the welfare state in Turkey : how social movements and elite competition created a welfare state / Erdem Yörük.; Yörük, Erdem,
Turkey Strategic Aspects : Preventing conflict over Kurdistan / Henri J. Barkey.; Barkey, Henri J.,
Turkic Peoples : Turks : a journey of a thousand years, 600-1600 / edited by David J. Roxburgh.
Turkic Peoples Asia Central : The Turks of Central Asia in history and at the present day, an ethnological inquiry into the Pan-Turanian problem, and bibliographical material relating to the early Turks and the present Turks of Central Asia / by M. A. Czaplicka.; Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette,
Turkic Peoples Asia Central Bibliography : The Turks of Central Asia in history and at the present day, an ethnological inquiry into the Pan-Turanian problem, and bibliographical material relating to the early Turks and the present Turks of Central Asia / by M. A. Czaplicka.; Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette,
Turkic Peoples Asia Central History To 1500 : Sui-Tang China and its Turko-Mongol neighbors : culture, power and connections, 580-800 / Jonathan Karam Skaff.; Skaff, Jonathan Karam.
Turkish Language Modern Honorific : Linguistic politeness across boundaries : the case of Greek and Turkish / edited by Arin Bayraktaroǧlu, Maria Sifianou.
Turks Cyprus : Echoes from the Dead Zone : across the Cyprus divide / Yiannis Papadakis.; Papadakis, Yiannis.
Turks Employment Austria Vienna : Good news : von Kolporteuren, toten Hunden und anderen Wienern [videorecording] / written and directed by Ulrich Seidl.
Turks England London : Young Turks and Kurds : a set of 'invisible' disadvantaged groups / Pinar Enneli, Tariq Modood and Harriet Bradley.; Enneli, Pinar.
Turks Germany Drama : Representations of Turkish immigrants in Turkish-German cinema : Tevfik Baser's 40 square meters of Germany and Fatih Akin's Head-on.; Eken, Ali Nihat.
Turks Germany Social Conditions : Beyond "in-between", travels and transformations in contemporary Turkish-German literature and film / by Adile Esen.; Esen, Adile.
Turks Hungary : Count Taaffe's letters from the imperial camp to his brother the Earl of Carlingford here in London : giving an account of the most considerable actions, both before, and at, the raising of the siege at Vienna, together with several remarkable passages afterward, in the victorious campagne against the Turks in Hungary : with an addition of two other letters from a young English nobleman, a voluntier in the imperial army.; Carlingford, Francis Taaffe,
Turks In Art : The Sun King at sea : maritime art and galley slavery in Louis XIV's France / Meredith Martin and Gillian Weiss.; Martin, Meredith
Turks In Literature : New Turkes : dramatizing Islam and the Ottomans in early modern England / Matthew Dimmock.; Dimmock, Matthew.
Turks Slovakia History : An account of the imperial proceedings against the Turks : with an exact diary of the siege of Newheusel and its taking : as also a relation of all the noted performances of the imperialists in all parts, from the beginning of this summers campagne, till the 27th of August / as it was taken by Mr. Travestin ... ; with an exact map of the town, and the works of the besiegers.; Travestin,
Turku Finland : Beckholmen i Åbo : ett maritimt lokalsamhälle och dess omvandling.; Westerlund, Kasper.
Turnage Wallace 1846 1916 : A slave no more : two men who escaped to freedom : including their own narratives of emancipation / David W. Blight.; Blight, David W.,
Turnbull Family : A shipping venture : Turnbull, Scott and Company, 1872-1972.; Long, Anne.
Turnbull George 1562 1633 Imaginarii Circuli Quadratura Catholica : Ad Georgii Turnebulli tetragonismum pseudographum apodixis Catholica, sive apologia pro disputatione de formali objecto fidei : in qua variæ, & cæq; utilissimæ quæstiones de analysi fidei, authoritate Papæ & conciliorum,... explicantur. Authore Roberto Baronio, ecclesiaste abredonensi, S. S. Theologiæ Doctore, & ejusdem in academia Mareschallana professore.; Baron, Robert,
Turnbull George Imaginarii Circuli Quadratura Catholica : Ad Georgii Turnebulli tetragonismum pseudographum apodixis Catholica, sive apologia pro disputatione de formali objecto fidei : in qua variæ, & aeq[ue] utilissimæ quæstiones de analysi fidei, authoritate Papæ & conciliorum ... explicantur. Authore Roberto Baronio ...; Baron, Robert,