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Viana Antonio De : El poema de Viana : estudio historico literario de un poema epico del siglo XVII.; Alonso, Maria Rosa.  1952 1
Viardot Garcia Pauline 1821 1910 : The Europeans : three lives and the making of a cosmopolitan culture / Orlando Figes.; Figes, Orlando,  2020 1
Viardot Louis 1800 1883 : The Europeans : three lives and the making of a cosmopolitan culture / Orlando Figes.; Figes, Orlando,  2020 1
Viau Theophile De : Theophile de Viau et la libre pensee francaize en 1620.; Adam, Antoine.  1966 1
Vibration   14
Vibration Computer Simulation : Vibration simulation using MATLAB and ANSYS / Michael R. Hatch.; Hatch, Michael R.  c2001 1
Vibration In Engineering : The active control of vibration : symposium, 5-8 September 1994, University of Bath, UK / edited by C.R. Burrows and P.S. Keogh.  1994 1
Vibration Physiological Effect : Handbook of human vibration [electronic resource] / M.J. Griffin.; Griffin, M. J.  1990 1
Vibrational Spectra   2
Vibrators History : The technology of orgasm : "hysteria," the vibrator, and women's sexual satisfaction.; Maines, Rachel P.  1999 1
Vibrio Infections : Cold water vibriosis caused by Vibrio salmonicida.; Bruno, David W.  1996 1
Vicars Apostolic Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : A pastoral letter from the four Catholic bishops to the lay-Catholics of England.  1688 1
Vicars Hedley 1826 1855 : A soldier's experience : or, A voice from the ranks : showing the cost of war in blood and treasure : a personal narrative of the Crimean campaign from the standpoint of the ranks, the Indian mutiny, and some of its atrocities, the Afghan campaigns of 1863 : also sketches of the lives and deaths of Sir H. Havelock and Captain Hedley Vicars : together with some things not generally known / by one of the Royal Fusiliers; Gowing, T.  1901 1
Vicars John 1579 Or 1580 1652 : The copy of a letter sent by Mr. D.T. to Mr. John Vicars (Mr. Prynns second) in answer to his letter sent by him to Mr. John Goodwin.; D. T.  1644 1
Vicars John 1579 Or 1580 1652 Schismatick Sifted   2
Vice   3
Vice Anecdotes   2
Vice Control England London : A Black list of the names or reputed names of seven hundred fifty two lewd and scandalous persons : who by the endeavours of a society set up for the promoting a reformation of manners in the city of London and suburbs thereof, have been legally prosecuted and convicted, as keepers of houses of bawdry and disorder, or as whores, night-walkers &c. ... : published for the satisfaction of such as are contributers towards the necessary charges of this undertaking and for the encouraging others to give further assistance for the more effectual carrying on so great and so hopeful a design.  1698 1
Vice Control India History   2
Vice Control Massachusetts Early Works To 1800 : By His Excellency the governour. : Whereas it hath been of absolute necessity, that a certain number of men should be impressed, for the service of Their Majesties, in defence of this their province, both a sea and Land, against the common enemy. And that some persons imployed therein, have passed the bounds of their duty, and my order, by putting the same in execution in a violent and disorderly manner, to the great grievance of Their Majesties good subjects.; Massachusetts.  1692 1
Vice Control New York State : By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governour in chief of the province of New-York, province of Pennsilvania, country of New-Castle ... : a proclamation, whereas our soveraign Lord and Lady William and Mary ... : In their majesties name I do hereby strictly prohibit the breaking of the Lord's Day, all prophane swearing, cursing, drunkenness, idleness and unlawful gaming, and all manner of prophaneness whatsoever ... Given under my hand at Philadelphia the 29th day of April, 1693 in the fifth year of their Majesties reign.; New York (Colony).  1693 1
Vice Control Pennsylvania : By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governour in chief of the province of New-York, province of Pennsilvania, country of New-Castle ... : a proclamation, whereas our soveraign Lord and Lady William and Mary ... : In their majesties name I do hereby strictly prohibit the breaking of the Lord's Day, all prophane swearing, cursing, drunkenness, idleness and unlawful gaming, and all manner of prophaneness whatsoever ... Given under my hand at Philadelphia the 29th day of April, 1693 in the fifth year of their Majesties reign.; New York (Colony).  1693 1
Vice Early Works To 1800   14
Vice England Early Works To 1800 : By the King. A proclamation for publishing a former proclamation of the 30th of May last (entituled, A proclamation against vitious, debauch'd and prophane persons) in all churches and chappels throughout England and Wales.; England and Wales.  1660 1
Vice Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : By the King, a proclamation, for the encouragement of piety and virtue, and for the preventing and punishing of vice, prophaneness, and immorality..; Great Britain.  1727 1
Vice Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800 : By the King, a proclamation, for the encouragement of piety and virtue, and for the preventing and punishing of vice, prophaneness, and immorality..; Great Britain.  1715 1
Vice Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : By the Protector. A proclamation commanding a speedy and due execution of the lavvs made against the abominable sins of drunkenness, profane swearing and cursing, adultery, fornication, and other acts of uncleannesse; for observing the assize of bread, ale, and fewel; and touching weights, and measures; for setting the poor on work, and providing for the impotent and aged poor, and punishing rogues and vagabonds, taking accounts of church-wardens and overseers of the poor; and against disturbing of publick preachers, and profanation of the Lords day.; England and Wales.  1655 1
Vice Law And Legislation Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : By the Queen, a proclamation, for the encouragement of piety and virtue, and for the preventing and punishing vice, profaneness, and immorality..; Great Britain.  1708 1
Vice Massachusetts Early Works To 1800   2
Vice Presidents United States   2
Vice Presidents United States Biography   2
Vice Presidents United States Election   2
Vice Prime Ministers Thailand Biography : Khui Rang-- Chwit Thammad Phaibn Watthanasiritham : Chabap Khrop Wonghn Chwit.; Wattanasiritham, Paiboon.  2011 1
Vice Sermons : The magistrates obligation to punish vice : a sermon preach'd before the right worshipful the mayor, aldermen, sheriff, &c. of the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, at the parish Church of St. Nicholas, October 8, 1699, upon the election of the mayor / by Nathanael Ellison ...; Ellison, Nathanael,  1700 1
Vicente Gil   4
Viceroys Great Britain Biography : Wavell : soldier & statesman / Victoria Schofield.; Schofield, Victoria.  2006 1
Viceroys India Biography : Lord Curzon : the last of the British Moghuls / Nayana Goradia.; Goradia, Nayana.  1997 1
Viceroys India Goa Daman And Diu : Vida de Dom João de Castro, quarto viso-rey da India. English; Freire de Andrade, Jacinto,  1664 1
Viceroys India Goa Daman And Diu Early Works To 1800 : Vida de Dom João de Castro, quarto viso-rey da India. English; Freire de Andrade, Jacinto,  1693 1
Viceroys Ireland Biography : Thomas Wentworth first earl of Strafford 1593-1641 : a revaluation / C.V. Wedgwood.; Wedgwood, C. V.  1961 1
Viceroys Mexico History 17th Century : The king's living image : the culture and politics of viceregal power in colonial Mexico / Alejandro Cañeque.; Cañeque, Alejandro.  2004 1
Vices   3
Vices Early Works To 1800   22
Vices Early Works To 1800 History And Criticism : The treatise on vices and virtues in Latin and the vernacular / by Richard Newhauser.; Newhauser, Richard,  1993 1
Vices History 18th Century : Aristocratic vice : the attack on duelling, suicide, adultery, and gambling in eighteenth-century England / Donna T. Andrew.; Andrew, Donna T.,  2013 1
Vices In Literature : Human vices and human worth in Dante's Comedy.; Boyde, Patrick.  2000 1
Vices Law And Legislation England Early Works To 1800 : By the King, a proclamation. : James R. Whereas nothing can prove a greater dishonour to a well-ordered government where the Christian faith is professed, than the open and avowed practice of vice, ...; England and Wales.  1688 1
Vichy France Cultural Policy History 20th Century : Le projet culturel de Vichy : folklore et révolution nationale, 1940-1944.; Faure, Christian.  1989 1
Vichy France Politics And Government : Vichy : un passé qui ne passe pas / Éric Conan, Henry Rousso.; Conan, Éric.  c1996 1
Vichy France Politics And Government Congresses : Le régime de Vichy et les Français / sous la direction de J.P. Azéma et F. Bédarida ; avec la collaboration de Denis Peschanski et Henry Rousso ; avant-propos d'Hubert Curien.  1992 1
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