William I King Of Sicily 1120 1166 : The history of the tyrants of Sicily by "Hugo Falcandus," 1154-69 / translated and annotated by Graham A. Loud and Thomas Wiedemann.; Falcando, Ugo,
William Ii King Of Sicily 1153 Or 1154 1189 : The history of the tyrants of Sicily by "Hugo Falcandus," 1154-69 / translated and annotated by Graham A. Loud and Thomas Wiedemann.; Falcando, Ugo,
William Jackson And Son Plc : From corner shop to corner shop in five generations : a history of William Jackson & Son plc / written by Alan Wilkinson ; researched by Katharine F. Beedham.; Wilkinson, Alan.
William John 1582 1650 : Tvvo looks over Lincolne, or, a view of his Holy table, name, and thing, &c. discovering his erronious and popish tenets, and positions : and under pretence of defending the cause of religion, shamefully betraying the truth and sinceritie thereof. A petition exhibited in all humilitie to the judgement of the most worthy defenders of the truth, the honorable House of Commons in Parliament, against the said book, and especially 51. tenets therein. By R. Dey, minister of the Gospell.; Dey, Richard.
William John 1582 1650 The Holy Table Name And Thing : Tvvo looks over Lincolne, : or, a view of his Holy table, name, and thing, discovering his erronious and Popish tenets and positions; and under pretence of defending the cause of religion, shamefully betraying the truth and sincerity thereof. A petition exhibited in all humility to the judgement of the most worthy defenders of the truth, the honorable House of Commons in Parliament, against the said booke, and especially 51. tenets therein. / By R. Dey, minister of the Gospell.; Dey, Richard.
William Kenyon And Sons : William Kenyon and Sons : a century's work 1866-1966 / G.H. Kenyon, C.G. Kenyon.; Kenyon, G.H.
William L Clements Library Exhibitions : Reframing the color line : race and visual culture of the Atlantic world / Co-curated by Martha S. Jones and Clayton Lewis.
William Of Woodford Abbot : The White book of Peterborough : the registers of Abbot William of Woodford, 1295-99 and Abbot Godfrey of Crowland, 1299-1321 / edited by Sandra Raban ; transcribed by Claire De Trafford and Sandra Raban.
William Rogerss Christian Quaker : The third part of Babel's-builders unmask't, : in a reply to a piece of hypocrisy &c. published in the name of T. Laurence (against T.C.) whose great age may somewhat mittigate his crime : and therefore this is chiefly intended for the approvers thereof. Such as George Fox and his party.; Crisp, Thomas,
William Tyndale Junior School : The lessons of Tyndale : an examination of the William Tyndale School affair.; Williams, Paul,
William Watkins Ltd : A hundred years of towage : a history of Messrs. William Watkins Ltd., 1833-1933.; Bowen, Frank Charles.
Williamites : The Williamites catechism, or, Instructions to be learned of all those who are well wishers to the Protestant religion and the English liberties / by Benjamin Bird.; Bird, Benjamin.
Williams Daniel 1643 1716 Answer To The Report And C Which The Unit : The friendly interposer, between the authors of those papers, the one called a report, the other, a rebuke of that report : in order to a sound reconciliation between the Presbyterians and Independents in doctrinals, by the proposal of a third way, when both of them in their own, are out / by John Humphrey.; Humfrey, John,
Williams Daniel 1643 1716 End To Discord : Animadversions, being the two last books of my reverend brother Mr. Williams : the one entituled A postscript to Gospel-truth, the other An end of discord : conscientiously examined, in order to a free entertainment of the truth, in some momentous points in divinity, controverted among the nonconformist brethen, occasionally here determined, for the sake of those honest among us that seek it, without trick or partiality / by John Humfrey ...; Humfrey, John,
Williams Daniel 1643 1716 Gospel Truth Stated And Vindicated Postsc : Animadversions, being the two last books of my reverend brother Mr. Williams : the one entituled A postscript to Gospel-truth, the other An end of discord : conscientiously examined, in order to a free entertainment of the truth, in some momentous points in divinity, controverted among the nonconformist brethen, occasionally here determined, for the sake of those honest among us that seek it, without trick or partiality / by John Humfrey ...; Humfrey, John,
Williams Daniel 1643 1716 Gospel Truth Stated And Vindicated Wherei : A faithful rebuke to a false report lately dispersed in a letter to a friend in the country : Concerning certain differences in doctrinals, between some dissenting ministers in London.; Alsop, Vincent,