Women And Literature Europe History 20th Century : Exile through a gendered lens : women's displacement in recent European history, literature, and cinema / edited by Gesa Zinn and Maureen Tobin Stanley.
Women And Literature France History 17th Century : Des liseuses en péril : les images de lectrices dans les textes de fiction de "La prétieuse" de l'abbé de Pure à "Madame Bovary" de Flaubert, 1656-1856.; Aragon, Sandrine.
Women And Literature Germany Bibliography : Lexikon deutscher Frauen der Feder : eine Zusammenstellung der seit dem Jahre 1840 erschienenen Werke weiblicher Autoren ; nebst Biographieen der lebenden und einem Verzeichnis der Pseudonyme / herausgegeben von Sophie Pataky.; Pataky, Sophie.
Women And Literature Germany History 20th Century : Cultures of modernism : Marianne Moore, Mina Loy, & Else Lasker-Schuler : gender and literary community in New York and Berlin / Cristanne Miller.; Miller, Cristanne.
Women And Literature Germany Saxony History : Hrotsvit of Gandersheim : a florilegium of her works / translated with introduction, interpretative essay and notes, Katharina Wilson.; Hrotsvitha,
Women And Literature Great Britain History 19th Century Archival Reso : Michael Field and fin-de-siècle culture and society [microform]: the journals, 1868-1914, and correspondence of Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper from the British Library, London (Add Mss 46776-46804, 45851-45856 & 46866-46897).