Women Diseases History : Unwell women : a journey through medicine and myth in a man-made world / Elinor Cleghorn.; Cleghorn, Elinor,
Women Diseases Psychological Aspects : Women, body, illness : space and identity in the everyday lives of women with chronic illness / Pamela Moss and Isabel Dyck.; Moss, Pamela J.,
Women Diseases Social Aspects : Women, body, illness : space and identity in the everyday lives of women with chronic illness / Pamela Moss and Isabel Dyck.; Moss, Pamela J.,
Women Domestics England London : A Letter sent by the maydens of London, to the vertuous matrones & mistresses of the same : in the defense of their lawfull libertie, answering The mery meeting / by us Rose, Iane, Rachell, Sara, Philumias and Dorothie.
Women Domestics England Religious Life : Exhortation and admonition of the Friends and Brethren of London chiefly, to all maid-servants : (who make profession of the pure ever-lasting gospel of peace and salvation) as are, or may be servants in the families of Friends or others, in and about this city.
Women Domestics Legal Staus Laws Etc England Humour Early Works To 1800 : The maids petition. To the Honourable members of both Houses. Or The humble petition of many thousands of the well-affected, within and without the lines of communication, virgins, maids, and other young women not married, &c. : And in the behalf of the whole kingdome, for their lawfull dayes of recreation. With their declaration, to hold out stifly, and to comply with the apprentices or others for their tollerable tolleration. Presented on Tuesday the 9. of August the 2d. recreation day for apprentices, 1647.
Women Domestics Scotland Pensions Early Works To 1800 : Unto the right honourable, the Lord Provost, baillies, and remanent members, of the town-coucil of Edinburgh. : The petition of the women-servants within the city.
Women Dramatists English 20th Century : Rage and reason : women playwrights on playwriting / Heidi Stephenson and Natasha Langridge.; Stephenson, Heidi.
Women Drug Use United States : Casualites of community disorder : women's careers in violent crime / Deborah R. Baskin and Ira B. Sommers.; Baskin, Deborah R.
Women Editors Great Britain : Translation, authorship and the Victorian professional woman : Charlotte Brontë, Harriet Martineau and George Eliot / Lesa Scholl.; Scholl, Lesa.
Women Editors Great Britain Congresses : Women editing/editing women : early modern women writers and the new textualism / editors, Ann Hollinshead and Chanita Goodblatt.
Women Education Asia : The educational dilemma of women in Asia : selected papers from the Golden Anniversary Conference of Philippine Women's University on the Education of Women in Developing Countries held at the National Science Development Board Pavilion, Manila, Philippines, February 15-20, 1969 / edited by Alma de Jesus-Viardo.; Conference on the Education of Women in Developing Countries
Women Education Cambodia : Using both hands : women and education in Cambodia.; Fiske, Edward B.