Women In The Theater History : Auto/biography and identity : women, theatre and performance / edited by Maggie B. Gale and Viv Gardner.
Women In The Theater Iceland Interviews : Public selves, political stages : interviews with Icelandic women in government and theatre / Leigh Woods and Ágústa Gunnarsdóttir.; Woods, Leigh.
Women In The Theater Spain History : Las mujeres en la sociedad española del Siglo de Oro : ficción teatral y realidad histórica : actas del II coloquio del Aula-Biblioteca "Mira de Amescua", celebrado en Granada-Úbeda del 7 al 9 de marzo de 1997, y cuatro estudios clásicos sobre el tema / Juan Antonio Martínez Berbel, Roberto Castilla Pérez, eds.
Women In The Theater United States : Upstaging Big Daddy : directing theater as if gender and race matter / edited by Ellen Donkin and Susan Clement.
Women In The Tripitaka : Women in Buddhism : images of the feminine in Mahayana tradition / Diana Y. Paul with contributions by Frances Wilson.; Paul, Diana Y.
Women In Trade Unions Africa West : Transforming female identities : women's organizational forms in West Africa / edited by Eva Evers Rosander.
Women In War England Early Works To 1800 : Joanereidos: or, Feminine valour eminently discovered in westerne women: : as well by defying the mercilesse enemy at the face abroad, as by fighting against them in garrison townes; sometimes carrying stones, anon tumbling of stones over the works on the enemy, when they have been scaling them, some carrying powder, other charging of peeces to ease the souldiers, constantly resolved for generality, not to think any ones life deare, to maintaine that Christian quarrell for the Parliament. Whereby, as they deserve commendations in themselves, so are they proposed as example unto others. / By Ja. Strong, Batchelour, &c.; Strong, James,
Women India Rajasthan Social Conditions : Religion and gender in the developing world : faith-based organizations and feminism in India / Tamsin Bradley.; Bradley, Tamsin.