Women Peru Sociology : Women of the Andes : patriarchy and social change in two Peruvian towns / Susan C. Bourque and Kay Barbara Warren.; Bourque, Susan Carolyn,
Women Philanthropists United States Biography : Madam C. J. Walker's gospel of giving : Black women's philanthropy during Jim Crow / Tyrone McKinley Freeman ; foreword by A'Lelia Bundles .; Freeman, Tyrone McKinley,
Women Philosophers England : Metaphysical animals : how four women brought philosophy back to life / Clare Mac Cumhaill and Rachael Wiseman.; Mac Cumhaill, Clare,
Women Photographers France : Disavowals, or, Cancelled confessions / Claude Cahun ; [translated by Susan de Muth].; Cahun, Claude,
Women Photographers Great Britain : Cultural sniping : the art of transgression / literary editing by Jo Stanley ; picture editing by David Hevey ; foreword by Annette Kuhn.; Spence, Jo.
Women Physicians Great Britain Life Skills Guides : So you want to be a medical mum? : a guide for female medics who have ever thought that maybe, somehow, one day, they might want to have a baby / Emma Hill.; Hill, Emma,
Women Pioneers California Biography : A frontier lady : recollections of the Gold Rush and early California / by Sarah Royce ; with a foreword by Katharine Royce ; edited by Ralph Henry Gabriel.; Royce, Sarah,
Women Pioneers Northwestern States : The mountains we have crossed : diaries and letters of the Oregon Mission, 1838 / introductions and editorial notes by Clifford Merrill Drury ; introduction to the Bison Books edition by Bonnie Sue Lewis.
Women Pioneers Northwestern States Diaries : Where wagons could go : Narcissa Whitman and Eliza Spalding / introductions and editorial notes by Clifford Merrill Drury ; introduction to the Bison Books edition by Julie Roy Jeffrey.
Women Poetry 17th Century : The cracks garland : Furnish'd with three excellent new songs. Song I. The weeping harlot; or the wanton misses lamentation for the loss of their cullies and bountyful benefactors, who dare not come as formerly, for fear of the private press. Song II. The female auction; or a curious collection of town cracks, to be sold by inch of candle, at Peticoat-Castle, near the sign of the furbelo lady, in Dildo-street. Song III. The weeping virgin; or the forsaken lover's mournful tragedy. Licensed according to order.
Women Poetry 18th Century : The furniture of a woman's mind. / written by Dr. Swift.; Swift, Jonathan,