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World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Great Britain : The Blitz : the British under attack / by Juliet Gardiner.; Gardiner, Juliet,  2010 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Great Britain Juvenile Literature : The Blitz.; Gogerly, Liz.  2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Greece Crete : Crete : the battle and the resistance / Antony Beevor.; Beevor, Antony,  2015 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Hawaii : The final secret of Pearl Harbor.; Flynn, John T.  1999 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns India   4
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Indonesia : Op reis met de 'special party : oorlogs- en kampherinneringen.; Scholten, P.  1971 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Iran : Wojtek the bear : Polish war hero / Aileen Orr.; Orr, Aileen.  2012 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Italy   5
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Italy Trieste : Flashpoint Trieste : the first battle of the Cold War / Christian Jennings.; Jennings, Christian,  2017 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Japan   4
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Malay Peninsula   2
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Malay Peninsula Congresses : Sixty years on : the fall of Singapore revisited / [edited by] Brian Farrell & Sandy Hunter.  2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Malaya : Singapore : the pregnable fortress : a study in deception, discord and desertion.; Elphick, Peter.  1995 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Malta : Malta and British strategic policy, 1925-43 / Douglas Austin ; foreword by David French.; Austin, Douglas,  2004 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Mediterranean Region : The war in the Mediterranean, 1940-1943.; Ireland, Bernard.  c1993 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Mediterranean Sea : From Gibraltar to Suez : the battle of the middle sea.; Strabolgi, Joseph Montague Kenworthy,  1941 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Meuse River Valley : Les soldats du béton : la Ligne Maginot dans les Ardennes et en Meuse, 1939-1940.; Giuliano, Gérard.  1986 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Netherlands : The campaign in the low countries : the first full length account of the epic struggle in Holland and Belgium.; Strabolgi, Joseph Montague Kenworthy,  1940 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns New Guinea : Bloody Buna : the campaign that halted the Japanese invasion of Australia / maps drawn by Arthur S. Hardyman.; Mayo, Lida.  197- 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Norway   9
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Oceania : Fighting for hope : African American troops of the 93rd Infantry Division in World War II and postwar America / Robert F. Jefferson.; Jefferson, Robert F.,  2008 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Pacific Area   12
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Pacific Ocean   4
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Papua New Guinea Bougainville Island : Bourgainville, 1943-1945 : the forgotten campaign.; Gailey, Harry Alfred.  1991 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Philippines   2
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Poland : Hitler strikes Poland [electronic resource] : Blitzkrieg, ideology, and atrocity / Alexander B. Rossino.; Rossino, Alexander B.,  2005? 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Russia   2
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Russia Federation   4
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Russia Federation Don River Region : From the Don to the Dnepr : Soviet offensive operations, December 1942-August 1943.; Glantz, David M.  1991 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Russia Federation Don River Valley : Piu non ritornano English.; Corti, Eugenio,  1997 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Russia Federation Saint Petersburg : Two soldiers, two lost fronts : German war diaries of the Stalingrad and North Africa campaigns / Don A. Gregory & Wilhelm R. Gehlen.; Gregory, Don A.  2009 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Singapore : Singapore 1942 : Britain's greatest defeat / Alan Warren.; Warren, Alan,  2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Singapore Congresses : Sixty years on : the fall of Singapore revisited / [edited by] Brian Farrell & Sandy Hunter.  2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Southeast Asia : Japan at war : an illustrated history of the war in the Far East, 1931-45.; Collier, Basil.  1975 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Soviet Union   9
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Western Front   18
World War 1939 1945 Canada   3
World War 1939 1945 Caricatures And Cartoons   3
World War 1939 1945 Catholic Church : L'Église sous Vichy, 1940-1945 : la repentance en question.; Cointet, Michèle.  1998 1
World War 1939 1945 Causes   78
World War 1939 1945 Causes Juvenile Literature : Hitler and the road to war.; Townley, Ted.  1998 1
World War 1939 1945 Censorship Ireland : Censorship in Ireland, 1939-1945 : neutrality, politics and society.; Ó Drisceoil, Donal.  1996 1
World War 1939 1945 Censorship United States : Secrets of victory : the Office of Censorship and the American press and radio in World War II.; Sweeney, Michael S.  2001 1
World War 1939 1945 Channel Islands : The model occupation : the Channel Islands under German rule, 1940-1945.; Bunting, Madeleine.  1995 1
World War 1939 1945 Channel Islands Occupation : I beg to report : policing in Guernsey during German occupation.; Bell, William M.  1995 1
World War 1939 1945 Children   5
World War 1939 1945 Children Education Texas Crystal City : Schools behind barbed wire : the untold story of wartime internment and the children of arrested enemy aliens.; Riley, Karen Lea,  c2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Children England : Worth saving : disabled children during the second world war / Sue Wheatcroft.; Wheatcroft, Sue.  2013 1
World War 1939 1945 Children Europe : Children's wartime diaries : secret writings from the Holocaust and World War II / [selected by] Laurel Holliday.  1995 1
World War 1939 1945 Children France : Sans oublier les enfants : les camps de Pithiviers et de Baune-la-Rolande, 19 juillet-16 septembre 1942.; Conan, Éric.  2006 1
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