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World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Russia Federation Saint Petersburg : Two soldiers, two lost fronts : German war diaries of the Stalingrad and North Africa campaigns / Don A. Gregory & Wilhelm R. Gehlen.; Gregory, Don A.  2009 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Singapore : Singapore 1942 : Britain's greatest defeat / Alan Warren.; Warren, Alan,  2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Singapore Congresses : Sixty years on : the fall of Singapore revisited / [edited by] Brian Farrell & Sandy Hunter.  2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Southeast Asia : Japan at war : an illustrated history of the war in the Far East, 1931-45.; Collier, Basil.  1975 1
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Soviet Union   9
World War 1939 1945 Campaigns Western Front   18
World War 1939 1945 Canada   3
World War 1939 1945 Caricatures And Cartoons   3
World War 1939 1945 Catholic Church : L'Église sous Vichy, 1940-1945 : la repentance en question.; Cointet, Michèle.  1998 1
World War 1939 1945 Causes   78
World War 1939 1945 Causes Juvenile Literature : Hitler and the road to war.; Townley, Ted.  1998 1
World War 1939 1945 Censorship Ireland : Censorship in Ireland, 1939-1945 : neutrality, politics and society.; Ó Drisceoil, Donal.  1996 1
World War 1939 1945 Censorship United States : Secrets of victory : the Office of Censorship and the American press and radio in World War II.; Sweeney, Michael S.  2001 1
World War 1939 1945 Channel Islands : The model occupation : the Channel Islands under German rule, 1940-1945.; Bunting, Madeleine.  1995 1
World War 1939 1945 Channel Islands Occupation : I beg to report : policing in Guernsey during German occupation.; Bell, William M.  1995 1
World War 1939 1945 Children   5
World War 1939 1945 Children Education Texas Crystal City : Schools behind barbed wire : the untold story of wartime internment and the children of arrested enemy aliens.; Riley, Karen Lea,  c2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Children England : Worth saving : disabled children during the second world war / Sue Wheatcroft.; Wheatcroft, Sue.  2013 1
World War 1939 1945 Children Europe : Children's wartime diaries : secret writings from the Holocaust and World War II / [selected by] Laurel Holliday.  1995 1
World War 1939 1945 Children France : Sans oublier les enfants : les camps de Pithiviers et de Baune-la-Rolande, 19 juillet-16 septembre 1942.; Conan, Éric.  2006 1
World War 1939 1945 Children Great Britain   4
World War 1939 1945 Children Great Britain Juvenile Literature : World War II / Neil Thomson meets Charlie Jones.; Thomson, Neil,  1989 1
World War 1939 1945 Children Great Britain Sources Juvenile Literat : Evacuation : a study in empathy.; Tooth, Chris.  1987 1
World War 1939 1945 Children Netherlands : A family occupation : children of the war and the memory of World World II in Dutch literature of the 1980s.; Taylor, Jolanda Vanderwal.  1997 1
World War 1939 1945 Children Netherlands Amsterdam Juvenile Literat : Anne Frank.; Castor, Harriet.  1996 1
World War 1939 1945 Children United States : The forgotten generation : American children and world war II.; Ossian, Lisa L.,  2011 1
World War 1939 1945 Children United States Biography : Schools behind barbed wire : the untold story of wartime internment and the children of arrested enemy aliens.; Riley, Karen Lea,  c2002 1
World War 1939 1945 Chile : Chile and the Nazis : from Hitler to Pinochet.; Mount, Graeme S.,  c2002 1
World War 1939 1945 China : Chungking diary.; Payne, Robert,  1945 1
World War 1939 1945 Chronology   2
World War 1939 1945 Churches   16
World War 1939 1945 Civilian Relief   5
World War 1939 1945 Civilian Relief Great Britain : Britain and the International Committee of the Red Cross, 1939-1945 / James Crossland.; Crossland, James.  2014 1
World War 1939 1945 Civilian Relief Sweden : Flykten över Kölen, 1940-1945.; Fontander, Björn.  1979 1
World War 1939 1945 Claims   3
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists   4
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists Belgium   2
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists Belgium Biography : Collaboration in Belgium : Leon Degrelle and the Rexist Movement 1940-1944.; Conway, Martin,  1993 1
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists Belgium Flanders : Vlaanderen in uniform, 1940-1945.; Vincx, Jan.  1982 1
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists Europe Bibliography   2
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists France   23
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists France Marseille Biography : Communism and collaboration : Simon Sabiani and politics in Marseille, 1919-1944.; Jankowski, Paul,  1989 1
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists France Northern : Between resistance and collaboration : popular protest in Northern France, 1940-45.; Taylor, Lynne,  2000 1
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists France Uriage Les Bains : Une utopie combattante : l'ecole des cadres d'Uriage 1940-1942.; Comte, Bernard.  1991 1
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists Netherlands   2
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists Netherlands Biography : Verrader voor het vaderland : een biographisch schets van Anton Adrian Mussert.; Havenaar, R.  1978 1
World War 1939 1945 Collaborationists Norway   2
World War 1939 1945 Commando Operations   2
World War 1939 1945 Commando Operations Burma : Chindit, 1942-45 / Tim Moreman ; illustrated by Peter Dennis.; Moreman, Tim R.  2009 1
World War 1939 1945 Commonwealth Countries : Great Britain, the Commonwealth and the wider world, 1939-45 / David Dilks.; Dilks, David,  1998? 1
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