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Mark   Year Entries
Aptitudes and aptitude testing. : Bingham, Walter Van Dyke.  1937 1
Aptitudes and instructional methods : a handbook for research on interactions : Cronbach, Lee Joseph,  1977 1
Aptitudes required for successful flight of the Eurofighter aircraft and the implications for select : Garwood, Lucy Charlotte.  2001 1
The APU assessment framework for science at age 11 : an illustrated account of the content and metho : Harlen, Wynne.  1984 1
APU mathematics monitoring 1984-88 (Phase 2). : Foxman, D. D.  1990 1
APU mathematics monitoring (phase 2). : School Examinations and Assessment Council.  1991 1
APU occasional paper ; 2 : National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales.  1983 1
APU Occasional paper no. 1, learning mathematics : how the work of the assessment of performance uni : Great Britain.  1983 1
APU occasional papers ; no.3 : Black, P. J.  1984 1
The Apu trilogy   2006? 1
Apud Edinburgh ultimo die mensis Maii, anno Domini, 1642 : The which day in presence of the Lords of   1642 1
Apud Edinburgh XXVII die mensis Decembris. Anno. Do. millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo nono. : Fors : Scotland.  1570 1
Apud Edinburgum undecimo Maii 1643. : Forasmeikle as the Lords of Privie Councell, commissioners for : Scotland.  1643 1
Apud Falkland vltimo die men[?]s Iulij, anno. Dom. 1599. : Scotland.  1599 1
Apud Fulvium Vrsinum in nomismate aerea..   15--? 1
Apud Halyrudhouse vicesimo quarto diemensis Martij, Anno Domini. millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo non : Scotland.  1629 1
Apulei Apologia, sive, Pro se de magia liber. : Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis.  1914 1
Apulei opera quae supersunt. : Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis.  1912 1
Apulei Psyche et Cupido. : Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis.  1913 1
Apuleian logic : the nature, sources, and influence of Apuleiu's Peri hermeneias : Sullivan, Mark W.,  1967 1
Apuleii opera omnia : Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis.  1825 1
Apuleius an his influence. : Haight, E.H.    1
Apuleius and The golden ass. : Tatum, James.  1979 1
Apuleius, the Golden Ass... : Apuleius, Lucius, Madaurensis.  1928 1
Apulia ; v.1 : Jones, G.D.B.  1987 1
Apulian red-figured paterae with flat or knobbed handles. : Schneider-Herrmann, G.  1977 1
Apum historia.   2
Apunte sobre poesia espanola de post-guerra. : Grande, Felix.  1970 1
Apuntes de derecho administrativo II : la administracion central del Estado. : Ortega, Luis.  1982 1
Apuntes de derecho mercantil. : Giron Tena, Jose.  1986 1
Apuntes de derecho mercantil : la empresa. : Giron Tena, Jose.  1986 1
Apuntes de derecho tributario : parte especial : sistema tributario español. : Antón Pérez, José Antonio.  1982 1
Apuntes para un comentario literal del Libro de Buen Amor. : Morreale de Castro, Margherita.  1963 1
Apuntes para una biblioteca de esritoras espanolas [desde ano 1401 al 1833]. : Serrano y Sanz, Manuel.  1975 1
Apuntes para una historica prosodica de la metrica castellana. : Balaguer, Joaquin.  1974 1
Apur sansar.   2006? 1
Apusskidu : songs for children   1975 1
Apuz   1953- 1
AQA A level biology. / Year 1, Student book : Lowrie, Pauline.  2015 1
AQA A-level further mathematics. 1 : for Core Year 1 and AS : Sparks, Ben,  2017 1
AQA A level mathematics. 1 : for A-Level Year 1 and AS : Goldie, Sophie,  2017 1
AQA A-level mathematics. Year 2 : Goldie, Sophie,  2017 1
AQA advanced economics : Powell, Ray.  2005 1
AQA AS biology : Boyle, Mike.  2012 1
AQA chemistry : A2. : Lister, Ted.  2009 1
AQA chemistry : AS : Lister, Ted.  2008 1
AQA Design and technology : Evans, Brian.  2008 1
AQA Design & technology : product design (3-D design) : AS/A2 : Evans, Brian.  2008 1
AQA primary assessment   2
Aqoondarro waa u nacab jacayl. English]. : Cawl, Faarax M.J.  1982 1
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