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Un abbozzo di grammatica francese del '500 : le note di Gian Vincenzo Pinelli : Pinelli, Gian Vincenzo.  1984 1
Abbregé de la vie de Frédéric duc de Schomberg. : De Luzancy, H. C.  1690 1
Abbrege du sermon funebre sur la mort du tres-honorable Philippe comte de Pembroke & Montgommer : Espagne, Jean d',  1650 1
Abbrégé d'un sermon prononcé au jour de jusne indict sur le sujet du traitt : Espagne, Jean d',  1648 1
Abbreuiacion of cronicles : Capgrave, John.  1983 1
[Abbreuiamentum statuo[rum]] : England.  1499 1
The abbreuyacyon of all generall councellys holden in Grecia, Germania, Italia, and Gallia, : Lemaire de Belges, Jean,  1539 1
Abbreviat of the depositions of the witnesses, : adduced by the Earl of Lauderdale against the   1684 1
Abbreviated collection of the laws, edicts, rules and practices, touching the customs, or subsi   1670 1
Abbreviation of solid geometry : Dary, Michael.  1669 1
An abbreviation of vvriting by character : Wherein is summarily contained, a table, which is an : Willis, Edmond.  1627 1
Abbreviation of writing by character   2
abbreviations   30
abbreviations and primary sources : Wang, Wensheng,  2014 1
Abbreviations dictionary. : De Sola, Ralph.  1986 1
Abbreviations latines medievales : supplement au Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane : Pelzer, Auguste.  1964 1
Abbrevyacyon of all generall councellys : Lemaire de Belges, Jean,  1539 1
Abbridgement of Cesars warres. : Rohan, Henri,  1640 1
Ein Abbruchkriterium für hierarchische Clusteranalysen. : Gediga, Gunther.  1980 1
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center series ; 1 : Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center.  1981 1
Abby and other church-lands not yet assured to such possessors as are Roman Catholicks : dedica : Willes, John,  1688 1
ABC : Tierie-Hogerzeil, E.,  1946 1
ABC; 152 : Boon, Louis Paul.  1963 1
ABC Africa   c2011 1
The ABC approach to classroom behaviour management : Freer, Steve.  c2003 1
ABC boeken ; 92-93 : Multatuli.  1958 1
The ABC book   2
ABC British warships. : Lenton, H. T.  1964? 1
ABC-CLIO's nature and human societies series : Boomgaard, Peter,  c2007 1
ABC de Castro Alves. : Amado, Jorge.  1953 1
L'ABC du Marche commun agricole. : Ries, Adrien.  1978 1
ABC foreign coastal and short sea freighters. : Ridley-Chesterton, D.  1963 1
ABC i stilistik : Teleman, Ulf,  1970 1
ABC London atlas. : Great Britain.  1984 1
The ABC mariners' guide. : Stevens, R. T.  1883? 1
ABC of action learning. : Revans, R. W.,  1998 1
ABC of AIDS   3
ABC of alcohol   1994 1
ABC of allergies   1998 1
ABC of anarchism. : Berkman, Alexander.  1971 1
ABC of anarchism; with a biographical note of the author. : Berkman, Alexander.  1942 1
ABC of antithrombotic therapy   2003 1
ABC of armes. : I. T.  1616 1
ABC of arterial and venous disease.   2014 1
ABC of asthma.   3
ABC of basic skills in science. : Association for Science Education.  1983 1
ABC of behaviour change : a guide to successful disease prevention and health promotion   2005 1
ABC of behaviour change theories   2
ABC of behavioural methods. : Herbert, Martin.  1996 1
ABC of brainstem death : Pallis, Christopher.  1996 1
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