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Mark   Year Entries
Introducing leadership : Pardey, David.  2016 1
Introducing liberation theology : Boff, Leonardo.  1987 1
Introducing linguistic morphology. : Bauer, Laurie,  1992 1
Introducing Linguistics : Wei, Li,  2013 1
Introducing linguistics ; 2   2
Introducing linguistics ; 3 : Johnstone, Barbara.  2002 1
Introducing linguistics ; 5.   2
Introducing Lisrel : a guide for the uninitiated : Diamantopoulos, A.  2000 1
Introducing LMS at secondary level in Gibraltar : an examination of the possible implications for in : Beltran, Clive George.  1993 1
Introducing local history. : National Council of Social Service.  1940 1
Introducing local studies. : Dale, Jack Kenyon.  1956 1
introducing lsd 1953 1956 : Siff, Stephen,  2015 1
Introducing Lyotard : art and politics. : Readings, Bill.  1991 1
Introducing management. : Lawrence, Peter A.  1985 1
Introducing management : a development guide for new managers. : Johnson, Bob.  1999 1
Introducing Margaret Laurence's "The stone angel". : Woodcock, George,  1989 1
Introducing marketing research : Baines, Paul,  2002 1
Introducing Marx : Rius, Eduardo del Rio.  1999 1
Introducing marxism. : Simon, Roger,  1986 1
Introducing mathematics : Sawyer, W. W.  1964 1
Introducing mental health : a practical guide   2
Introducing modern music : Karolyi, Otto,  1995 1
Introducing molecular electronics   c2005 1
introducing mr moderna museet pontus hulten and swedens museum of modern ar   2012 1
Introducing multilevel modeling : Kreft, Ita.  1998 1
Introducing music. : Karolyi, Otto,  1965 1
Introducing narrative psychology : self, trauma, and the construction of meaning. : Crossley, Michele L.,  2000 1
Introducing neighbourhood nursing : the management of change : Dalley, Gillian.  1988 1
Introducing neuro-linguistic programming : psychological skills for understanding and influencing pe : O'Connor, Joseph,  2002 1
Introducing neuroeducational research neuroscience, education and the brain from contexts to practic : Howard-Jones, Paul.  2010 1
Introducing new technology into the office. : Smith, Richard, of the Work Research Unit.  1981 1
Introducing New Testament theology.   2
Introducing NLP. : Knight, Sue.  c1999 1
Introducing NLP : psychological skills for understanding and influencing people : O'Connor, Joseph,  2011 1
Introducing NRPRA. : Natural Rubber Producers Research Association.  1968 1
Introducing Old Testament theology. : Schofield, John Noel.  1964 1
Introducing organisational behaviour. : Weightman, Jane.  1999 1
Introducing organizational behaviour   1982 1
Introducing organizational behaviour and management   2
Introducing palliative care.   2
Introducing patents : a guide for inventors. : Patent Office.  1983 1
Introducing persons : theories and arguments in the philosophy of mind.   2
Introducing pharmacology for nursing and healthcare   5
Introducing philosophy : Jackson, Jennifer C.,  1996 1
Introducing philosophy ; 2 : Bond, E.J.  1996 1
Introducing philosophy ; 4 : Landesman, Charles.  1997 1
Introducing philosophy ; 7 : Tanesini, Alessandra.  1999 1
Introducing philosophy ; 8 : Cooper, David Edward.  1999 1
Introducing philosophy : problems and perspectives. : Solomon, Robert C.  1977 1
Introducing phonetic science : Ashby, Michael.  2005 1
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