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Title Scottish journal of political economy.
Publication Info Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd.

 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  1997,v.44  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  1998,v.45  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  1999,v.46  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2000,v.47  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2001,v.48  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2002,v.49  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2003,v.50  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2004,v.51  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2005,v.52  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2006,v.53  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Library Holdings Library has: v.44-53 , 1997-2006.
ISSN 0036-9292
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Subject Economics.
Library Holdings Library has: v.44-53 , 1997-2006.
ISSN 0036-9292
Subject Economics.
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  1997,v.44  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  1998,v.45  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  1999,v.46  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2000,v.47  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2001,v.48  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2002,v.49  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2003,v.50  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2004,v.51  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2005,v.52  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HB 1 S43  2006,v.53  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Subject Economics.
Library Holdings Library has: v.44-53 , 1997-2006.
ISSN 0036-9292

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