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Littletons tenures in English : / Cum priuilegio.   4
Littletons tenures in English : Cum priuilegio.   2
Littletons tenures in English : lately perused and amended.   11
Littleton's tenures in French and English : With an alphabetical table of the principal matters ther : Littleton, Thomas,  1671 1
The Littman library of Jewish civilization   8
The Littman library of Jewish civilization. Publishe : Poliakov, Léon,  1985 1
Littman library of Jewish civilization (Series)   2
Littoral and offshore communities of diatoms, cladocerans and dipterous larvae, and their interpreta : Frey, David Grove.    1
Littoral biotopes (volume 1) : Connor, David W.  1997 1
The littoral fauna of the British Isles : a handbook for collectors. : Eales, Nellie Barbara.  1967 1
Littoral gammaridean Amphipoda from the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands. : Barnard, J. Laurens.  1979 1
I littoriali della cultura e dell'arte. : Lazzari, Giovanni.  1979 1
Littorina neglecta Bean : ecotype or species?   1994 1
Littre. : Rey, Alain.  1970 1
Lituanus : Lithuanian quarterly.     1
Liturgia : Church of England.  1670 1
Liturgia historica : papers on the liturgy and religious life of the Western Church. : Bishop, Edmund.  1918 1
Liturgia inglesa. O Libro del rezado publico, de la administracion de los sacramentos, y otros ritos : Church of England.  1623 1
Liturgia sacra, seu ritus ministerii in ecclesia peregrinorum profugorum propter Euangelium Christi   1551 1
Liturgia seu Liber precum communium, et administrationis sacramentorum aliorumque rituum atque cerem   12
Liturgia Tigurina. : Evangelisch-Reformierte Landeskirche des Kantons Zürich.  1693 1
Liturgia Tigurina, or, The book of common prayers and administration of the sacraments : and other e : Evangelisch-Reformierte Landeskirche des Kantons Zürich.  1693 1
Liturgia Virginis Lauretanae. : Erasmus, Desiderius,  1533? 1
Liturgia Virginis Lauretanae. : Erasmus, Desiderius,  1533? 1
Liturgiae Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, partes præcipuæ : viz. preces matutinæ & vespertinæ; ordo ad : Church of England.  1674 1
Liturgica sacra : curru thesbitica, i.e. zeli inculpabilis vehiculo deportata & via devotionis Regia : Gilpin, Randolph,  1657 1
Liturgical considerator considered. : Firmin, Giles,  1661 1
The liturgical considerator considered, or, A brief view of Dr. Gauden's considerations touching the   2
A liturgical discourse of the holy sacrifice of the mass. The first part : containing a clear, facil : Angelus à Sancto Francisco,  1670 1
A liturgical discourse of the holy sacrifice of the mass. The second part : wherein is contained a s : Angelus à Sancto Francisco,  1669 1
The liturgical-discourse of the holy sacrifice of the masse : by omission of controversial questions : Angelus à Sancto Francisco,  1675 1
The liturgical drama in Spain. : Donovan, Richard B.  1958 1
The liturgical element in the earliest forms of the medieval drama, with special reference to the En : Kretzmann, Paul Edward.  1916 1
Liturgical Latin : its origins and character : three lectures. : Mohrmann, Christine.  1957 1
The liturgical movement and the local church. : Shands, Alfred Rives.  1959 1
Liturgical music incunabula : a descriptive catalogue. : Meyer-Baer, Kathi.  1962 1
Liturgical renewal : studies in Catholic and Protestant developments on the continent. : Benoit, Jean Daniel.  1958 1
Liturgical services : liturgies and occasional forms of prayer set forth in the reign of Queen Eliza   2
The liturgical year (Orgelbüchlein) : forty-five organ chorals. : Bach, Johann Sebastian,  1933 1
Liturgie a most divine service. : Barbon, John.  1663 1
La liturgie angloise. Ou Le liure de priere publiques, de l'administration des Sacremens, & autres o : Church of England.  1616 1
La Liturgie c'est à dire : le formulaire des prieres publiques, de l'administration des sacramens,   7
La liturgie : C'est à dire, le formulaire des Prieres Publiques de l'Eglise d'Irelande. : Church of England.  1666 1
Liturgie cosmique : Maxime le confesseur. : Balthasar, Hans Urs von,  1947 1
Liturgie de l'Eglise anglicane.   2
La liturgie, on fromularie des prieres publiques selon l'usage de l'eglise anglicane. : Church of England.  1788 1
Die Liturgie : Studien zur ptolemaischen und kaiserlichen Verwaltung Agyptens. : Oertel, Friedrich.  1965 1
Liturgies.   5
Liturgies, 1586   2
Liturgies and other documents of the ante-nicene period. : Early Liturgies.  1872 1
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