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Title Making Scenes [electronic resource] / Global Perspectives on Scenes in Rock Art / edited by Iain Davidson, April Nowell.
Publisher New York : Berghahn Books, 2021.
Edition 1st edition.

Descript 352 pages
Content text
Media computer
Carrier online resource
Descript 20210201
Edition 1st edition.
ISBN 9781789209211 (e-book)
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Alt author Davidson, Iain, editor.
Nowell, April, editor.
Descript 352 pages
Content text
Media computer
Carrier online resource
Descript 20210201
Edition 1st edition.
ISBN 9781789209211 (e-book)
Alt author Davidson, Iain, editor.
Nowell, April, editor.

Descript 352 pages
Content text
Media computer
Carrier online resource
Descript 20210201
Alt author Davidson, Iain, editor.
Nowell, April, editor.
ISBN 9781789209211 (e-book)

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