South Asia Civilization Congresses : Cultural cooperation in South Asia : the search for community : papers and proceedings of the Fifth South Asian Dialogue / edited by Jamil Choudhury.; South Asian Dialogue
South Asia Cultural Policy Congresses : Cultural cooperation in South Asia : the search for community : papers and proceedings of the Fifth South Asian Dialogue / edited by Jamil Choudhury.; South Asian Dialogue
South Asia Encyclopedias And Dictionaries : The Cambridge encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives / editor Francis Robinson.
South Asia Environmental Conditions : Nature, culture, imperialism : essays on the environmental history of South Asia / edited by David Arnold and Ramachandra Guha.
South Asia Foreign Relations Canada : The west and the birth of Bangladesh : foreign policy in the face of mass atrocity / Richard Pilkington.; Pilkington, Richard,
South Asia Foreign Relations Great Britain : The west and the birth of Bangladesh : foreign policy in the face of mass atrocity / Richard Pilkington.; Pilkington, Richard,
South Asia Foreign Relations United States : The west and the birth of Bangladesh : foreign policy in the face of mass atrocity / Richard Pilkington.; Pilkington, Richard,
South Asia History Military : A military history of India and South Asia : from the East India Company to the nuclear era / edited by Daniel P. Marston and Chandar S. Sundaram ; foreword by Stephen P. Cohen.
South Asia Languages Early Works To 1800 : Introductio ad lectionem linguarum orientalium: : Hebraicæ Chaldaicæ Samaritanæ Syricæ Arabicæ Persicæ Aethiopicæ Armenæ Coptæ consilium de earum studio fœliciter instituendo, & de libris quos in hunc finem fibi comparare debent studiosi ...; Walton, Brian,
South Asia Literatures : Traveller's literary companion to the Indian Sub-continent / edited by Simon Weightman.
South Asia Maps To 1800 : A description of East India : conteyning th[e] empire of the Great Mogoll / William Baffin ... ; Renold Elstrack sculp.; Baffin, William,
South Asia Study And Teaching : Colonial encounter : Telugu-English literary and cultural interface.telugu-english literary and cultural interface / edited by C. Vijayasree, M. Sridhar and Mahasweta Sengupta.
South Asian Cooperation : The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) : an emerging collaboration architecture / Lawrence Sáez.; Sáez, Lawrence,
South Asian Diaspora In Literature : Graphic migrations : precarity and gender in India and the diaspora / Kavita Daiya.; Daiya, Kavita,
South Asian Literature : Colonial encounter : Telugu-English literary and cultural interface.telugu-english literary and cultural interface / edited by C. Vijayasree, M. Sridhar and Mahasweta Sengupta.
South Asians Canada : Arranging marriage : conjugal agency in the South Asian diaspora / Marian Aguiar.; Aguiar, Marian,