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Corporate Author Northern Rhodesia. Chamber of Mines.
Title Year book/ Northern Rhodesia. Chamber of Mines.
Publication Info Kitwe : Chamber of Mines.

 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1956  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1957  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1958  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1959  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1961  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1963  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Library Holdings Library has: 1956-1959, 1961, 1963.
Gaps in holdings.
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Corporate Author Northern Rhodesia. Chamber of Mines.
Series Contd. as: Copperbelt of Zambia mining industry year book, q.v.
Subject Copper mining.
Library Holdings Library has: 1956-1959, 1961, 1963.
Gaps in holdings.
Corporate Author Northern Rhodesia. Chamber of Mines.
Series Contd. as: Copperbelt of Zambia mining industry year book, q.v.
Subject Copper mining.
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1956  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1957  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1958  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1959  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1961  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 9539 C7 N87  1963  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Subject Copper mining.
Library Holdings Library has: 1956-1959, 1961, 1963.
Gaps in holdings.

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