Almeida Topor Helene D : Le mouvement associatif des jeunes en Afrique noire francophone au XXe siecle / recherches reunies par Helene d'Almeida-Topor et Odile Goerg.
Almeida Val V M F De Vera M F 1956 : The physiology of tropical fishes / edited by Adalberto L. Val, Vera Maria F. de Almeida-Val, David J. Randall.
Almeida Virgilio A F : Scaling for E-business : technologies, models, performance and capacity planning / Daniel A. Menascé, Virgilio A. F. Almeida.
Almeloveen Theodoor Jansson Ab 1657 1712 : Collectio monumentorum, rerumque maxime insignium, Belgii fæderati; : e templ. & locis pub. urbium & academ. a primordiis reipub. hucusque deducta, qualis nunquam antehac divulgata: exhibens monumenta multa goriosissima, læsæ libertatis, at fortissime assertæ; et in ejusdaem assertione, victoriarum ac triumphorum; ut & imperatorum, et archithalassor. Heroumque aliorum, beatæ memoriæ, patr. libertatis resistutor . & tutorum: nec non alia, virorum quavis honoris specie eminentissimorum, tam indigenarum quam exterorum; multasque historias monumenta illustrantes, casus extraoridinarios, & res curiosas. Carmina & cætera Belgica Latine reddita. / Per Phileleutherum Timareten [pseud. of T. J. van Almeloveen].
Almerich Paulina : Cambio social y religion en Espana : [les aportaciones espanolas a la 13. Conferencia Internacional de Sociologia Religiosa, Lloret de Mar, 1975] / Almerich ... [et al.].
Almhult Artur : Ord att forklara : svenska och frammande ord.
Almila Anna Mari : The SAGE handbook of cultural sociology / edited by David Inglis, Anna-Mari Almila.
Almilaibary Abdullah Abdulbasit : A mixed methods study of the factors associated with HIV testing uptake among young people in Saudi Arabia / Abdullah Abdulbasit Almilaibary.
Alminaque Conrado B : El concepto de la muerte en la literatura espanola del siglo XV.
Almirall Valenti : España tal como es : la España de la restauracion.
Almobarak Foad Abdulaziz : Beneficiaries' satisfaction with the Cooperative Health Insurance System (CHIS) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : a case study of Riyadh City.
Almodovar Agustin : El espinazo del diablo [videorecording] / directed by Guillermo del Toro.
Almond J K : Cleveland iron and steel : background and 19th century history / authors: J.K. Almond ... [et al.] ; editor: C.A. Hempstead.
Almond J W : Molecular basis of virus disease : [proceedings of the] fortieth symposium of the Society for General Microbiology held at the University of St. Andrews, April 1987.
Almond Joyce : Proceedings of the second International Symposium on the theory of road traffic flow / by J, Almond.
Almond Robert : The English horsman and complete farrier : directing all gentlemen and others how to breed, feed, ride, and diet all kind of horses whether for war, race, or other service : with a discovery of the causes, signs, and cures of all diseases, both internal and external, incident to horses : alphabetically digested : with The humours of a Smithfield jockey / by Robert Almond.