Andre J : Hypertext - concepts, systems and applications : proceedings of the First European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990 / edited by N. Streitz, A. Rizk and J. Andre.
Andre Jean Claude : Industry 4.0 : Paradoxes and Conflicts / Jean-Claude Andre.
Andre Jean Marie : Electronic structure of polymers and molecular crystals : [lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute ... Namur, Belgium, September 1-14, 1974].
Andreadaki Vlasaki Maria : From the land of the labyrinth : Minoan Crete, 3000-1100 B.C. / [editors: Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki, Giorgos Rethemiotakis, Nota Dimopoulou-Rethemiotaki].
Andreadis Harriette : Sappho in early modern England : female same-sex literary erotics, 1550-1714.
Andreadis Stratis : A - Case of the Holy Monasteries v. Greece : judgment of 9 December 1994 : B - Case of Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreadis v. Greece : judgment of 9 December 1994.