Andrews Dick : Selection and assessment : a new appraisal / Mike Smith, Mike Gregg, Dick Andrews.
Andrews Donald W K : Identification and inference for econometric models : essays in honor of Thomas Rothenberg / edited by Donald W.K. Andrews, James H. Stock.
Andrews E 1942 : Otter survey of Wales 1991 = Arolwg ar ddyfrgwn yng Nghymru 1991 / E. Andrews, P. Howell, K. Johnson.
Andrews E Wyllys Edward Wyllys : Copán : the history of an ancient Maya kingdom / edited by E. Wyllys Andrews and William L. Fash.
Andrews Edward Active 1642 : Most welcome nevves from York : being a true and perfect relation of what hath happened in York, since his Majesties last declaration. The Parliaments resolution, concerning the Kings most excellent Majesty, and the Lords and Commons which have absented themselves from the said Houses, and are now at York attending on his Majesty. Likewise the grounds and reasons why they are enforced to take arms, with the severall reasons to prove that every man is bound to uphold the Parliament against all opposers whatsoever. Ordered by the Lords and Commons that this be printed and published Iohn Brown Cler. parl. H. Elsing Cler. parl.
Andrews Elizabeth : A woman's work is never done... being the recollections of a childhood and upbringing amongst the South Wales miners and a lifetime of service to the Labour Movement in Wales.
Andrews Evangeline Walker : Journal of a lady of quality : being the narrative of a journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the years 1774 to 1776 / edited by Evangeline Walker Andrews in collaboration with Charles McLean Andrews.
Andrews George Clinton 1891 1978 : Andrews' Diseases of the skin : clinical dermatology / William D. James, Timothy Berger, Dirk Elston ; contributors, Isaac M. Neuhaus, Robert G. Micheletti.