Angelus Francis : The rule of penance of the seraphicall father S. Francis : approued and confirmed by Leo the X. for religious persons of the 3. order of S. Francis : together with a declaration of each point of the Rule, profitable not only to the religous of this order, but also to all religious women / by Br. Angelus Francis, friar minour.
Angelus Johannes 1463 1512 : Esoptron Astrologikon. Astrological opticks. : Wherein are represented the faces of every signe, with the images of each degree in the zodiack: thereby describing, 1. The nature and quality of every person, according to the degree ascending in the east at his nativity. 2. The virtue and signification of every planet through the 12. signes. 3. A most excellent description of the more hidden and abstruse influence of [symbol for Mercury] in his [symbol for conjunction] with all other the planets. 4. A clear explanation of the signification of the horoscope in any signe of the zodiack. / Compiled at Venice, by those famous mathematicians, Johann. Regiomontanus and Johannes Angelus.
Angevine Jay B : The human brain in photographs and diagrams / John Nolte, Jay B. Angevine Jr.
Angevins De La Litterature Colloquium 1978 Angers : Les Angevins de la litterature : actes du colloque des 14, 15, 16 decembre 1978 / organise par le Departement de lettres modernes et classiques de l'Universite d'Angers ...; [actes reunis et presentes par G. Cesbron].
Anggat Ganjing Augustine : Basic Iban design : an introduction / translation [from Iban] by Gana Ngadi.
Anghie A : Imperialism, sovereignty and the making of international law
Angilramus Bp Of Metz : Decretales pseudo-Isidorianae et capitula Angilramni / ad fidem librorum manuscriptorum recensuit, fontes indicavit commentationern de collectione pseudo-Isidori praemisit Hinschius.
Angioletti Annamaria : E fu subito sera / A. Angioletti, con la collaborazione di R. Alberti and others.