Antoninus Augustus : Antonini Iter Britanniarum / commentariis illustratum Thomae Gale ... opus posthumum ; revisit, auxit, edidit R.G.. Accessit Anonymi Ravennatis Britanniae chorographia.
Antoninus Pius Emperor Of Rome 86 161 : To the Pope and all his magistrates and the Protests : here they and all Christendom may see the moderation of the heathen emperours to the Christians in the 650 years before there was a Pope, signified by their letters following in the behalf of the Christians liberty which will rise up in judgment against the Popes and their emperours and his magistrates and most of the Protestants, as here you may see in the reading of their declarations and the straitnesse of the orders of those called Christians now, and the largeness of the heathens then, as concerning liberty in the spirit to worship God : and also here you may see the heathen were more moderate to the Christians then the Christians, so called, are to one another : taken out of the ten persecutions.
Antonio Das Chagas Frei : Cartas espirituais / seleccao, prefacio e notas pelo prof. M.R. Lapa.
Antonio De Santo Bernardino : Vita minoritica ad pristinum statum restituta. Authore R. Patre Fr. Antonio à sancto Bernardino minorita sacræ theologiæ lectore primario jubilato, exdefinitore, provinciæque algarbiorum in Lusitaniæ regno filio recolecto, serenissimæ Magnæ Britaniæ reginæ theologo, & prædicatore. Ad reverendissimum, & colendissimum patrem Fr. Ildesonfum Salefanes totius ordinis fratrum minorum seraphici patris nostri francisci ministrum generaèm
Antonio Jose 1962 : Essentials of sports nutrition and supplements [electronic resource] / edited by Jose Antonio ... [et al.].
Antonio Jose Phd : Sports supplements / [edited by] Jose Antonio, Jeffrey R. Stout.
Antonio Robert J : Marx and modernity : key readings and commentary / edited by Robert Antonio.
Antonio Rosero Eliana Fernanda : Suárez gold : Afro-Colombian miners defending their heritage / Minority Rights Group International & Morris producciones y comunicaciones.
Antoniou Alexander Stamatios G : Handbook of managerial behavior and occupational health [electronic resource] / edited by Alexander-Stamatios G. Antoniou ... [et al.].
Antonius Gulielmus : Angeli Politiani et aliorum virorum illustrium epistolarum libri XII, liusdem praefatio in Suetonii Tranquilli expositionem accessit praeterea eorum quae graeca sunt.
Antonov V : Vesna v Chekhoslovakii, 1968 : khronika / sostavili : V. Grigor'ev, V. Cheslavskii i V. Antonov.
Antonova I A Irina Aleksandrovna : The gold of Troy : searching for Homer's fabled city / Irina Antonova, Vladimir Tolstikov and Mikhail Treister ; consultant editor, Donald Easton.