Aparicio A : Reconstruction of the 1706 Montana Negra eruption : emergency procedures for Garachico and El Tanque, Tenerife, Canary Islands / M.C. Solana and A. Aparicio.
Aparicio De Rulfo Clara : Aire de las colinas : cartas a Clara / prólogo, edición y notas de Alberto Vital.
Aparicio Rafaela : Saura essential [videorecording] / directed by Carlos Saura.
Apartheid Museum Johannesburg South Africa : Biko : the quest for a true humanity : an exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the death of Bantu Stephen Biko.
Apel Emmanuel 1944 : Central banking systems compared : the ECB, the pre-euro Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve System / Emmanuel Apel.
Apel J R : Opportunities and problems in satellite measurements of the sea : report of SCOR Working Group 70 / editor : J.F.R. Gower; co-editor : J.R. Apel.
Apel Nikolaus : Der Mensuralkodex Des Nikolaus Apel:Ms 1494 der Universitatsbibliothek Leipzig / aus dem Nachlass Gerbers. ; herausgegeben von L. Finscher und W. Domling.
Apel Willy : Collected keyboard works / edited by W.Apel.
Apeland Owe : Alexander L. Kiellands romaner : kunsaerisk stil og metode.
Apeldoorn Bastiaan Van : Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance : from Lisbon to Lisbon / edited by Bastiaan van Apeldoorn, Jan Drahokoupil, Laura Horn.
Apiarius Mathias : 65 deutsche Lieder für vier - bis fünfstimmigen gemischten Chor a Cappella : nach dem Liederbuch von P. Schoffer und M. Apiarius (Biener) (Strassburg Spätestens 1536) / erste Partiturausgabe von H.J. Moser.
Apitzsch Ursula : Biographical methods and professional practice : an international perspective / edited by Pru Chamberlayne, Joanna Bornat and Ursula Apitzsch.
Apivatthakakul Theerachai : AO principles of fracture management / Richard E. Buckley, Christopher G. Moran, Theerachai Apivatthakakul.