Arnett Will : Blades of glory [videorecording] / directed by Will Speck and Josh Gordon.
Arnfield R V : Forum on the Swann Report, organised by the University of Nottingham in conjunction with the confederation of British Industry : Summary report / by R.V. Arnfield (and) N.T. Scott.
Arnholt Alan T : Probability and statistics with R / María Dolores Ugarte, Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, Ana F. Militino, Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, Alan T. Arnholt, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, USA.
Arning Bill : Sensorium : embodied experience, technology, and contemporary art / edited by Caroline A. Jones ; essays by Bill Arning ... [et al.] ; abecedarius entries by Bill Arning ... [et al.] ; artist statements by Mathieu Briand ... [et al.].
Arnkil Tom Erik : Dialogical meetings in social networks / Jaakko Seikkula & Tom Erik Arnkil.
Arno Berg Inga : Folkdrakter och bygdedrakter fran hela Sverige / av J. Arno-Berg och G. Hazelius-Berg; fotografier av C. Lindhe; under medverkan av Svenska ungdomsringen for bygdekultur och Svenska hemslojdforeningarnas riksforbund.
Arnoff E Leonard : Introduction to operations research / by C.W. Churchman, R.L. Ackoff,E.L. Arnoff.
Arnold A C : Interactive computer graphics : course notes.
Arnold Active 1583 : Clinton, Purser & Arnold, to their countreymen wheresoeuer : Wherein is described by their own hands their vnfeigned penitence for their offences past: their patience in welcoming their death, & their duetiful minds towardes her most excellent Maiestie.