Arnaudo A A : Financing problems of developing countries : proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Arnauld Andreas Von : The Cambridge handbook of new human rights : recognition, novelty, rhetoric / edited by Andreas von Arnauld, Kerstin von der Decken, Mart Susi.
Arnauld Marie Charlotte : The neighborhood as a social and spatial unit in Mesoamerican cities / M. Charlotte Arnauld, Linda R. Manzanilla, and Michael E. Smith, editors.
Arnberg Matts : Den medeltida balladen : en orientering och kommentarer till Sveriges Radios inspelningar / under redaktion av M. Arnberg.
Arnberger Erik : Atlas der Republik Österreich / hrsg. unter der Gesamtleitung Hans Bobek und unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit Erik Arnberger ... [et al.].
Arne Ryde Symposium On Economics Of Gender And The Family 15th 19 : Women's work and wages : a selection of papers from the 15th Arne Ryde Symposium on Economics of Gender and Family, in honor of Anna Bugge and Knut Wicksell / edited by Inga Persson and Christina Jonung.