Baker Richard Merchant : The marchants humble petition and remonstrance : to his late Highnesse, with an accompt of the losses of their shipping, and estates, since the war with Spain. And how as well themselves as strangers have strengthned and enriched both the enemy, and the Hollanders, by the secret trade for the dominions of Spain. And how the national English stock suffers thereby, and by many other trades: as is made out by several demonstrations. ... Of the inquisition; and of the death of the English agent, Mr. Askham: and the prosecution of the murtherers. A general remedy proposed for the restauration of the trade. All most humbly submitted to his Highness, and the most honorable Houses of Parliments consideration.
Baker Richard Paul : Genetic analysis of colorectal cancer : a study of genetic aberrations in colorectal cancer examining for areas of prognostic significance, with an emphasis on chromosome 13.
Baker Richard Ph D : The perspectives of pupils, parents and teachers, in a secondary school, regarding the role of homework.
Baker Robert : Remarks on the English language in the manner of those of vaugelas on the French.
Baker Robert 1937 : The Cambridge world history of medical ethics / edited by Robert B. Baker, Laurence B. McCullough.
Baker Robert Active 1685 1712 : The description and uses of a most acurate [sic] planisphere : performing I. in astronomy ..., II. in ... astrology ..., III. on the limb of it are graduated four circles of proportion, viz. numbers, sines, tangents, and versed sines ... : and lastly, you have sundry uses of these lines in arithmetick, geometry, dialling, &c. ... / by R. Baker ...
Baker Robert K : Mass media and violence : a staff report / by D.L.Lange, R.K.Baker and S.J.Ball.
Baker Robert Lewis : The English customs service, 1307-1343 : a study of medieval administration.
Baker Robert S : "Brave new world" : history, science and dystopia.
Baker Roger 1934 1993 : Drag : a history of female impersonation in the performing arts / Roger Baker with contributions by Peter Burton and Richard Smith.
Baker Rogers Joanna : Oil and gas exploration in the Gulf of Thailand and the importance of environmental protection / by Paul Bartlett and Joanna Baker-Rogers.