Barbados Governor 1698 1703 Grey : By the Honourable Sir William Beeston Kt. His Majesties lieutenant governour and commander in chief, in, and over this his island of Jamaica, and other the territories depending thereon in America ... : a proclamation ...
Barbagallo Emilia : Cases of A - Maciariello : B - Manifattura Fl : C - Steffano : D - Ruotolo : E - Vorrasi : F - Cappello : G - Caffe Roversi S.p.a. : H - Gana : I - Barbagallo v. Italy : judgements of 27 February 1992.
Barbaro Giosofat 1494 : Travels to Tana and Persia / by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini ; translated from the Italian by William Thomas, clerk of the Council to Edward VI, and by S.A. Roy, esq. ; and edited, with an introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley.
Barbas Jean Claude : Discours aux francais : 17 juin 1940-20 aout 1944 / textes etablis, presentes et commentes par Jean-Claude Barbas.
Barbash Ilisa : Cross-cultural filmmaking : a handbook for making documentary and ethnographic films and videos / Ilisa Barbash and Lucien Taylor ; technical illustrations by Sandra Murray ; figure drawings by Chad Vaughan.
Barbash Jack : The element of industrial relations.
Barbato Toto : Ovosodo [videorecording] / directed by Paolo Virzì.
Barbato Tullio : Il terrorismo in Italia negli anni Settanta : cronaca e documentazione.
Barbatsis Gretchen : Handbook of visual communication : theory, methods, and media / edited by Ken Smith, Sandra Moriarty, Gretchen Barbatsis, Keith Kenny.