Beatman Frances L : Exploring the base for family therapy : papers from the M. Robert Gomberg Memorial Conference.
Beatniffe John : A sermon preached at Torceter : in the countie of Northampton the 8. of Iune, Anno Dom. 1588. at the visitation of the right reuerend Father in God, the Bishop of Peeterborow, by Iohn Beatniffe preacher of the woord of God in Brackley.
Beato Carmen : Somos lo que hay [videorecording] / written and directed by Jorge Michel Grau.
Beaton M G : Educational Glasgow : a selection of articles by the Director of Television.
Beaton Nehemiah 1663 : No treason to say, Kings are Gods subjects, or, The supremacy of God, opened, asserted, applyed : in some sermons preached at Lugarshal in Sussex by N.B. then rector there, accused of treason by James Thompson, Vicar of Shalford in Surry, and the author ejected out of the said rectory for preaching them : with a preface apologetical, vindicating the author and sermons from that false accusation, relating the manner of his ejection, and fully answering the narrative of the said Vicar, now also parson of Lurgarshal / by Nehemiah Beaton ...