Belgium Ministere De Lindustrie Et Du Travail : Examen par les commissions reunis de la Justice et de l'Industrie et du travail des propositions de lois apportant des modifications a la legislation sur les concessions de mines / rapport de E. Dupont.
Belgium Ministerie Van Landbouw : Wat men weten moet over het Ministerie van Landbouw en het invoeren van het "Planning Programming Budgeting System" in dit Departement.
Belgium Parlement Senat : Examen par les commissions reunis de la Justice et de l'Industrie et du travail des propositions de lois apportant des modifications a la legislation sur les concessions de mines / rapport de E. Dupont.
Belgrad Daniel : The culture of spontaneity : improvisation and the arts in postwar America.
Belgrade Theatre Coventry : Lock up your daughters / from Fielding's "Rape upon rape" ; adapted by Bernard Miles ; music by Laurie Johnson ; lyrics by Lionel Bart.
Belhaven Margaret Hamilton Baroness Active 1695 : Unto His Grace, His Majesty's High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable, the Estates of Parliament. : The humble petition of Margaret Lady Dowager of Belhaven.
Beliaev Iurii : CMEA countries : economic cooperation.
Beliaeva O F : Materialy k bibliografii po istorii Akademii Khudozhestv, 1757-1957.
Belianis De Grecia : The honour of chivalry, or, The famous and delectable history of Don Bellianis of Greece : containing the valiant exploits of that magnanimous and heroick prince, son unto the Emperour Don Bellaneo of Greece : wherein are described the strange and dangerous adventures that befel him, with his love toward the Princess Florisbella, daughter to the Soldan of Babylon / translated out of Italian.
Beliard Carol : The art of being : a study of the novels of Henri de Montherlant.
Beliavskaia Irina Mikhailovna : A.I. Gertsen i pol'skoe natsional'noe-osvoboditel'noe dvizhenie 60-kh godov XIX veka.