Bentall Edward : Basileus basileon, or, The regality of Jesus Christ, King of Zion opened, vindicated, advanced in a sermon preached at St. Maries, Oxon, Jun. 26, 1659.
Bentham Thomas 1513 1579 : A notable and comfortable exposition, vpon the fourth of Mathevv; concerning the tentations of Christ : preached in S.Peters Church, in Oxenford; By Thomas Bentham, fellovv ov Magdalin Colledge and afterwards Vyshop of Liechfeeld and Coventrie.
Benthem R J : Spectrum atlas van de Nederlandse landschappen / onder begeleiding van M.F. Morzer Bruijns en R.J. Benthem; fotografie J. van de Kam ...
Benthien Bruno : Beiträge zu Problemen der historischen Geographie und der geographischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
Bentinck Ruth Cavendish : The point of honour : a correspondence on aristocracy and socialism.
Bentinck Smith Joan : The Atlantic world of Robert G. Albion / edited by Benjamin W. Labaree ; with chapters by William A. Baker ... [et al.] and a bibliography of the works of Robert G. Albion by Joan Bentinck-Smith.
Bentley Charles : Mathematics / Charles Bentley and David Malvern.
Bentley Charlotte : Where sky and Yorkshire and water meet : the story of the Melton landscape from prehistory to the present / Chris Fenton-Thomas ; with contributions by Carol Allen [and others] ; illustrations by Charlotte Bentley [and others].