Bound with Black-Cleworth, Patricia: The role of electrical discharges in the non-reproductive social behaviour of Gymnotus Carapo Gymnotidae, Pisces. Animal behaviour monographs v.3, pt.1 ; and The vocal behaviour of the Indian hill mynah, Gracula religiosa by Brian Bertram. Animal behaviour monographs, v.3, pt.2.
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Bound with Black-Cleworth, Patricia: The role of electrical discharges in the non-reproductive social behaviour of Gymnotus Carapo Gymnotidae, Pisces. Animal behaviour monographs v.3, pt.1 ; and The vocal behaviour of the Indian hill mynah, Gracula religiosa by Brian Bertram. Animal behaviour monographs, v.3, pt.2.
Bound with Black-Cleworth, Patricia: The role of electrical discharges in the non-reproductive social behaviour of Gymnotus Carapo Gymnotidae, Pisces. Animal behaviour monographs v.3, pt.1 ; and The vocal behaviour of the Indian hill mynah, Gracula religiosa by Brian Bertram. Animal behaviour monographs, v.3, pt.2.