Bleming Jone : The new prayers for K. William & Q. Mary; and prosperity to their arms both by sea and land, against the French King. Used by the people called Quakers.
Blench J Wheatley : Preaching in England in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Blenck Jurgen : Die Insel Reichenau : eine agrargeographische Untersuchung.
Blenerhassett John : Proposals by John Blener-hassett and George Rogers, esquires, for encourageing [sic] a linnen manufactury, at Killarney in the county of Kerry, and planting Protestants there..
Blenkinsopp John : Symptoms in the pharmacy : a guide to the management of common illness / Alison Blenkinsopp, BPharm, FRPharmS, PhD, Paul Paxton, MB, ChB, DRCOG, and John Blenkinsopp, MB, ChB, BPharm, MRPharmS.
Blenkow John 1609 : Michaels combat with the diuel: or, Moses his funerall : Delivered in a sermon preached in St. Pauls Church, on Sunday morning, being the Feast of St. Michael, 1639. By Iohn Blenkovv, LL.B. sometime Fellow of S. Iohn Bap. Coll. in Oxford.
Blessinger Patrick : Refugee education : integration and acceptance of refugees in mainstream society / edited by Enakshi Sengupta and Patrick Blessinger.