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Bonham Mike : International GAAP 2007 : generally accepted accounting practice under International Financial Reporting Standards / Mike Bonham .... [et al.].  2006 1
Bonham Paul : Communication in clinical settings / Paul Crawford, Brian Brown, and Paul Bonham.  2006 1
Bonham Thomas 1629 : The chyrugians closet: or, an antidotarie chyrurgicall : Furnished with varietie and choyce of: apophlegms, balmes, baths, caps, cataplasmes, causticks, cerots, clysters, collyries, decoctions, diets, and wound-drinks, desensatiues, dentifrices, electuaries, embrocations, epithemes, errhines, foments, fumes, gargarismes, iniections, liniments, lotions, oyles, pessaries, pils, playsters, potions, powders, quilts, suppositaries, synapismes, trochisces, vnguents, and waters. The greatest part whereof were scatterdly set downe in sundry bookes and papers; by the right worshipfull Mr. Thomas Bonham, Dr. of Physick; and now drawne into method and forme, by Edvvard Poeton of Petworth, (late and long seruant to the foresaid Right Worshipfull Dr.) and published for the benefit of his country, and the helpe and ease, of young practitioners in the ancient, necessarie, and noble science of chyrurgerie.  1630 1
Bonheim Helmut : The English novel before Richardson : a checklist of texts and criticism to 1970.  1971 1
Bonheur Gaston   4
Bonhm Carter Family : In a liberal tradition : a social biography 1700-1950.  1960 1
Bonhoeffer Dietrich 1906 1945   19
Bonhome Joshua   2
Bonhomme Honore   2
Bonhote Nicolas : Marivaux; ou, Les machines de l'opera : etude de sociologie de la litterature.  1974 1
Boni Alessio 1966 : La bestia nel cuore [videorecording] / directed by Cristina Comencini.  p2006 1
Boni Armand : Francois Villon : de feniks en zijn as.  1983 1
Boni Marco   4
Boni Massimilano : Michelangelo poeta / commento di E. Montale a cura di A. Brissoni e M. Boni.  1976 1
Boni Massimiliano   6
Boni Nazi : Crepescule des temps anciens.  1962 1
Bonicatti Maurizio : Studi sull umanesino, secoli XIV-XVI.  1969 1
Bonichi Bindo : Il trattato delle virtu morali di Roberto, re di Gerusalemme.  1750 1
Bonieux B : Critique des tragedies de Corneille et de Racine par voltaire.  1970 1
Bonifacci Fabio 1962 : Dizionario pratico di giornalismo / Carlo De Martino, Fabio Bonifacci.  1990 1
Boniface Brian G   3
Boniface Eric : A study to rationalize the stock holding policy of paper sacks at an animal feedingstuffs factory.  1971 1
Boniface Ix Pope Approximately 1355 1404 : [Our] Holy Father the pope of Rome pope Boniface in his bull vnder leed doyth decla[re] ....  1521 1
Boniface Patrick : The Great War 1914-1918 [videorecording] / directed by Bruce Vigar.  c2005 1
Boniface Priscilla   5
Boniface Saint 680 754   2
Boniface St 680 754   3
Boniface Viii Pope : Les registres de Boniface VIII; recueil des bulles de ce pape / publiees ou analyseesd'apres les manuscritsoriginaux des archives du Vatican, ; par Georges Digard, Maurice Faucon & Antoine Thomas.  1884 1
Bonifaci Sol : Tirso o Tellez? ...  1979 1
Bonifacio Andres   4
Bonifacio Armando F : Human rights in the Philippines : an unassembled symposium.  1977 1
Bonifacio Glenda : Global perspectives of gendered youth migration : subjectivities and modalities / edited by Glenda Bonifacio.  2019 1
Bonifacio Juan : Juan Bonifacio (1538-1606) y La cultura literaria del Siglo de Oro.  1938 1
Bonifacio R : Coherence in spectroscopy and modern physics.  1978 1
Bonifacio Rodolfo : Dissipative systems in quantum optics. / edited by R. Bonifacio.  1982 1
Bonifas Paul 1902 1975 : Bon voyage  c2008 1
Bonifaz Oscar : Remembering Rosario : a personal glimpse into the life and works of Rosario Castellanos / translated, edited and introductory notes by M.F. Allgood.  1990 1
Bonifazi Neuro   12
Bonifield Abraham : An expedient for peace, or Some Christian and reasonable proposals, : once more renewed and offered again to Friends of Reading, conducing to an amicable composure of differences among them: with a healing epistle to them from Friends of Bristol, on both sides, tenderly advising them to meet all together again in their ancient publick meeting house. As also a seasonable expostulation and a persuasive to a reconciliation, with some remarkable testimonies added to promote the same and several objections against it answered, which may tend to a general service.  1693 1
Bonifield Abraham Active 1692 1694   4
Bonilla Frank   2
Bonilla Jean De Active 16th Century : A short treatise of the quiet of the soul. How necessary a thing it is, and how it may be atttained [sic]. Composed by the reverend father John de Bovilla, an observant frier of the holy order of St. Francis. Permissu superiorum  1700 1
Bonilla Lucia Dolores : Presentacion y antologia de los siglos XVIII y XIX espanoles : seleccion de obras y trozos literarios completos / by L.D. Bonilla and J.V. Agudiez.  1966 1
Bonilla Luis : Las revoluciones espanolas en el siglo XVl.  1973 1
Bonilla Y San Martin Adolfo 1875 1926   7
Bonin Gerhardt Von : Primatologia : handbook of primatology / edited by H. Hofer, A.H. Schultz and D. Starck.  1961 1
Bonin John : The development and reform of financial systems in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by John P. Bonin and István P. Szekely.  1994 1
Boning E : Three German universities : Aachen, Bochum, Konstanz.  1970 1
Bonington Chris   2
Bonington Richard Parkes 1802 1828   2
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